Jana L Sochor, Helena Strömberg, Marianne Karlsson
21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Detroit, September 7-11, 2014
The aim of this paper is to introduce the UbiGo transport broker service developed in Gothenburg, Sweden, and to discuss insights from the six-month field operational test regarding motivations for and deterrents to users adopting new travel services. Results are presented from questionnaires, interviews, and travel diaries from participants, and contrasted with results from non-participant questionnaires and interviews. Findings suggest that potential early users (innovators/early adopters) are initially motivated by curiosity, but that this must be transformed into practical motivations such as convenience and economic advantage if the users are to remain motivated to using the service. Concern for the environment functions as a bonus rather than a primary motivator, meaning that the environmentally friendly choice must also be the practical choice in order to promote sustainability. However, perceived impracticalities can act as deterrents to adoption. Therefore, the service cannot be perceived as economically disadvantageous, inflexible or inconvenient, or difficult to use; and the alternative transportation infrastructure must be extensive enough to reach the users.