Qinghai Zhou, Liangyue Li, Xintao Wu, Nan Cao, Lei Ying, Hanghang Tong
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021
Network alignment finds node correspondences across multiple networks, where the alignment accuracy is of crucial importance because of its profound impact on downstream applications. The vast majority of existing works focus on how to best utilize the topology and attribute information of the input networks as well as the anchor links when available. Nonetheless, it has not been well studied on how to boost the alignment performance through actively obtaining high-quality and informative anchor links, with a few exceptions. The sparse literature on active network alignment introduces the human in the loop to label some seed node correspondence (i.e., anchor links), which are informative from the perspective of querying the most uncertain node given few potential matchings. However, the direct influence of the intrinsic network attribute information on the alignment results has largely remained unknown. In …
Q Zhou, L Li, X Wu, N Cao, L Ying, H Tong - Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 2021