Mahdi Karbasian, Aazam Khabushani, mohamad javanmardi, Seyed Mahmood Zanjirchi
Production and operations Management
In today’s organizations, performance measurement comes more to the foreground with the advancement in the high technology. Supplier selection is an important issue in supply chain management. In recent years, determining the best supplier in the supply chain has become a key strategic consideration. However, these decisions usually involve several objectives or criteria, and it is often necessary to compromise among possibly conflicting factors. Thus, the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) becomes a useful approach to solve this kind of problem. In order to use the conceptual framework for measuring performance supplier, a methodology that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative factors and the interrelations between them should be utilized. for leveling an integrated approach of analytic hierarchy process AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS method is proposed to obtain final ranking. The interactions among the criteria are also analyzed before arriving at a decision for the selection of supplier from among six alternatives. Linguistic values are used to assess the ratings and weights for criterion. These linguistic ratings can be expressed in triangular fuzzy numbers. Then, a hierarchy multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) model based on fuzzy-sets theory including FAHP and FTOPSIS are applied. There are two approaches for aggregating values including relative importance of evaluation criteria with respect to the overall objective and rating of alternatives with respect to each criterion in fuzzy group TOPSIS: First aggregation and Last aggregation. In first aggregation approach weight of each criterion and rating of alternatives …