Adamasco Cupisti, A Capitanini, G Betti, Claudia D'Alessandro, Giuliano Barsotti
Clinical nephrology
Back ground and aim
As sessment of phys i cal ac tiv ity level and of en ergy ex pen di ture is im por tant in the clin i cal and nu tri tional care of di al y sis pa tients, but it is not so easy to ac com plish. The SenseWear™ Armband (SWA) is a novel multisensory device that is worn on the up per arm and col lects a va ri ety of phys io logic data re lated to phys ical ac tiv ity. Thus, du ra tion and in ten sity of phys i cal ac tiv ity is re corded and ex pressed as METs (Met a bolic Equiv a lent Task), and energy ex pen di ture is es ti mated. The aim of our study was to as sess interdialytic spon ta ne ous phys i cal ac tiv ity in sta ble chronic hemodialysis (HD) pa tients and the re la tion to nutri tional sta tus and di etary nu tri ent in take.
Patients and meth ods
In 50 sta ble pa tients on main te nance hemodialysis treat ment and 33 nor mal sub jects (con trol group), level of spon ta ne ous phys i cal ac tiv ity and es ti mated daily en ergy ex pen di ture was as sessed by SWA and re lated to bio chem is try and anthropometry data, bioelectric im ped ance vec tor anal y sis, and en ergy and nu tri ent in take in forma tion com ing from a 3-day food re call.
In re spect to con trols, HD pa tients showed lower mean daily METs value (1.3 ą 0.3 vs. 1.5 ą 0.2, p< 0.01), a lower time spent on ac tiv i ties> 3 METs (89 ą 85 vs. 143 ą 104 min/day, p< 0.05), lower num ber of steps per day (5,584 ą 3,734 vs. 11,735 ą 5,130, p< 0.001), re sult ing in a lower es ti mated energy ex pen di ture (2,190 ą 629 vs. 2,462 ą 443 Kcal/day, p< 0.05). 31 out of the 50 HD patients (62%) had a mean daily value< 1.4 METs and hence were de fined as sed en tary. They dif fered from the ac tive pa …