Helen Lückge, Markus Maibach, Dianin Alberto, Patrick Skoniezki
The rebound of traffic volumes after the initial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for a stronger cooperation of the Alpine regions to tackle their common challenge of transalpine freight transport. Traffic volumes are back to the levels of 2019 and with them the pressure to develop effective and joint solutions to set stronger incentives for modal shift and to ensure that the Alpine regions can become a model for decarbonising road freight transport. Since 2005, iMONITRAF! has become a central knowledge-hub on transalpine transport, based on a strong data pool which is provided in the frame of the common monitoring system. But beyond that, iMONITRAF! has also a strong political voice by bringing together political decision makers to discuss relevant challenges and solutions and by using the common voice for pushing joint policy initiatives at national and European level.