Burak Korkmaz
Graduate School
Liquid crystals have been a subject of curiosity since the day they were discovered, and as time passed and their use developed, they gained an indispensable place in the rapidly expanding technology of the modern world. As a result of Friedrich Reinitzer's inability to explain this strange phenomenon, which he realized at the end of his work with turnips and which initially suggested that he could not purify cholesteryl benzoate, he sent Otto Lehnman samples. Otto Lehnman, who was the first person to try to define the Liquid Crystal Phase phenomenon as we define it today, who was a very competent name in the field of crystallography, attempted this definition with the expression" Fluid Crystals" in his time. Although he faced serious opposition because he introduced this definition in his period, the reality of this notion is obvious as it is brought by studies and modern science. Today, these intermediate phases, which are exhibited by liquid crystalline substances, are called mesophase, while chemical molecules displaying this feature are called mesogenes. Thanks to the studies on them, more than one mesophase of Liquid Crystals has been defined today. More than one mesophase, nematic, smectic, columnar, cholesteric (chiral nematic) and lyotropic, enables different usage areas and new materials are being developed in this context day by day. In this context, the main focus of this thesis has been to design, synthesize, characterize and examine the usage areas of different types of new mesogens, ranging from high molecular weight to low molecular weight or covalent to non-covalent bonded structures. For this reason, the studies in this …