Universidad de la Amazonia
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Sistemas sostenibles de producción ganadera en el contexto amazónico Sistemas silvopastoriles:¿ una opción viable?
ME Sotelo Cabrera, JC Suárez Salazar, F Álvarez Carrillo, ...
Publicación CIAT, 2017
Effect of physical, chemical and environmental characteristics on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Brachiaria decumbens (Stapf) pastures
RH Posada, LA Franco, C Ramos, LS Plazas, JC Suárez, F Álvarez
Journal of applied microbiology 104 (1), 132-140, 2008
Contribución de esquemas de fertilización orgánica y convencional al crecimiento y producción de Theobroma cacao L. bajo arreglo agroforestal en Rivera (Huila, Colombia)
F Álvarez-Carrillo, J Rojas-Molina, JC Suárez-Salazar
Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria 16 (2), 307-314, 2015
Simulación de arreglos agroforestales de cacao como una estrategia de diagnóstico y planificación para productores
F Álvarez-Carrillo, J Rojas-Molina, JC Suarez-Salazar
Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria 13 (2), 145-150, 2012
The effect of different levels of tree cover on milk production in dual-purpose livestock systems in the humid tropics of the Colombian Amazon region
F Álvarez, F Casanoves, JC Suárez, D Pezo
Agroforestry Systems 95, 93-102, 2021
Especies vegetales útiles para sistemas silvopastoriles del Caquetá, Colombia
NP Castañeda Álvarez, F Álvarez, J Arango, L Chanchy, GF García, ...
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2016
Especies vegetales útiles para sistemas silvopastoriles del Caquetá
NP Castañeda, F Álvarez, J Arango, L Chanchy, GF García, V Sánchez, ...
CIAT, Cali, COL, 2016
Influence of scattered trees in grazing areas on soil properties in the Piedmont region of the Colombian Amazon
F Álvarez, F Casanoves, JC Suárez
Plos one 16 (12), e0261612, 2021
Árboles dispersos en potreros y conectividad estructural en el paisaje de fincas ganaderas en la Amazonia colombiana
GA Gutiérrez, JC Suárez, FÁ Carrillo, JA Orjuela
Ingenierías & Amazonia 5 (1), 2012
Especies vegetales útiles para sistemas silvopastoriles del Caquetá, Colombia
NP Castañeda, F Álvarez, J Arango, L Chanchy, GF García, V Sánchez, ...
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, Colombia, 2016
An assessment of silvopastoral systems condition and their capacity to generate ecosystem services in the Colombian Amazon
F Álvarez, F Casanoves, JC Suárez, GM Rusch, MA Ngo Bieng
Ecosystems and People 19 (1), 2213784, 2023
Codesigning sustainable land uses: framing participatory methods for research and development projects
E Sachet, O Mertz, M Vanegas, GS Cruz-Garcia, M Beltran, ...
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 47 (3), 413-440, 2023
Effect of organic and conventional fertilization on the growth and production of Theobroma cacao L. under an agroforestry system in Rivera (Huila, Colombia)
F Álvarez-Carrillo, J Rojas-Molina, JC Suárez-Salazar
Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria 16 (2), 307-314, 2015
Simulation arrangements cocoa agroforestry as a diagnosis and planning strategy for producers
F Álvarez-Carrillo, J Rojas-Molina, JC Suarez-Salazar
Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria 13 (2), 145-150, 2012
Germinative capacity of native plant species with forage potential under tropical rainforest conditions at the mountain-foot
F Álvarez, A Sterling, PAR Parra
Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias 21 (3), 238-246, 2022
Nutritional quality of Piptocoma discolor and Cratylia argentea as a non-timber forest products for animal feed in the Caquetá province
F Casanoves
Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 2022
Ethological behavior of Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Caqueteño Creole cattle in three tree cover systems of Brachiaria decumbens paddocks at the Amazon foothills in Colombia
SM Londoño-Paéz, JA Orjuela-Chaves, F Álvarez-Carrillo, ...
Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias 21 (2), 148-158, 2022
Effects of Organic Fertilization on Biomass Production in Urochloa spp. Pastures and Soil Biological and Physical Properties in the Colombian Amazon Region
F Alvarez, P Ríos, A Sterling
Sustainability 15 (21), 15217, 2023
Ethological behavior of Bos taurus, Bos indicus and Creole Caqueteño cattle in three tree cover systems of Brachiaria decumbens paddocks in the foothills of the …
SM Londoño-Paéz, JA Orjuela-Chaves, F Álvarez-Carrillo, ...
Efecto de la cobertura arbórea de pasturas de Sistemas Ganaderos de doble propósito en la Amazonia Colombiana.
F Álvarez Carrillo
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