Tiejun Huang
Tiejun Huang
Professor,School of EE&CS, Peking University
在 pku.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Deep relative distance learning: Tell the difference between similar vehicles
H Liu, Y Tian, Y Yang, L Pang, T Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Point-bert: Pre-training 3d point cloud transformers with masked point modeling
X Yu, L Tang, Y Rao, T Huang, J Zhou, J Lu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Incorporating learnable membrane time constant to enhance learning of spiking neural networks
W Fang, Z Yu, Y Chen, T Masquelier, T Huang, Y Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Unsupervised cross-dataset transfer learning for person re-identification
P Peng, T Xiang, Y Wang, M Pontil, S Gong, T Huang, Y Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Graph convolutional reinforcement learning
J Jiang, C Dun, T Huang, Z Lu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.09202, 2018
Speech emotion recognition using deep convolutional neural network and discriminant temporal pyramid matching
S Zhang, S Zhang, T Huang, W Gao
IEEE transactions on multimedia 20 (6), 1576-1590, 2017
Eva: Exploring the limits of masked visual representation learning at scale
Y Fang, W Wang, B Xie, Q Sun, L Wu, X Wang, T Huang, X Wang, Y Cao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Deep residual learning in spiking neural networks
W Fang, Z Yu, Y Chen, T Huang, T Masquelier, Y Tian
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 21056-21069, 2021
Learning affective features with a hybrid deep model for audio–visual emotion recognition
S Zhang, S Zhang, T Huang, W Gao, Q Tian
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 28 (10), 3030 …, 2017
Bi-directional cascade network for perceptual edge detection
J He, S Zhang, M Yang, Y Shan, T Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Sequential deep trajectory descriptor for action recognition with three-stream CNN
Y Shi, Y Tian, Y Wang, T Huang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19 (7), 1510-1520, 2017
Transductive episodic-wise adaptive metric for few-shot learning
L Qiao, Y Shi, J Li, Y Wang, T Huang, Y Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Single underwater image enhancement with a new optical model
H Wen, Y Tian, T Huang, W Gao
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 753-756, 2013
Video coding for machines: A paradigm of collaborative compression and intelligent analytics
L Duan, J Liu, W Yang, T Huang, W Gao
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 8680-8695, 2020
Learning open set network with discriminative reciprocal points
G Chen, L Qiao, Y Shi, P Peng, J Li, T Huang, S Pu, Y Tian
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Multi-scale 3d convolution network for video based person re-identification
J Li, S Zhang, T Huang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 8618-8625, 2019
Probabilistic multi-task learning for visual saliency estimation in video
J Li, Y Tian, T Huang, W Gao
International journal of computer vision 90, 150-165, 2010
Optimal ANN-SNN conversion for high-accuracy and ultra-low-latency spiking neural networks
T Bu, W Fang, J Ding, PL Dai, Z Yu, T Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.04347, 2023
Overview of the MPEG-CDVS standard
LY Duan, V Chandrasekhar, J Chen, J Lin, Z Wang, T Huang, B Girod, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (1), 179-194, 2015
Exploiting multi-grain ranking constraints for precisely searching visually-similar vehicles
K Yan, Y Tian, Y Wang, W Zeng, T Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 562-570, 2017
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