Jane Cooley Fruehwirth
Jane Cooley Fruehwirth
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The Covid-19 pandemic and mental health of first-year college students: Examining the effect of Covid-19 stressors using longitudinal data
JC Fruehwirth, S Biswas, KM Perreira
PloS one 16 (3), e0247999, 2021
A rational expectations approach to hedonic price regressions with time-varying unobserved product attributes: The price of pollution
P Bajari, JC Fruehwirth, KI Kim, C Timmins
American Economic Review 102 (5), 1898-1926, 2012
Religion and depression in adolescence
JC Fruehwirth, S Iyer, A Zhang
Journal of Political Economy 127 (3), 1178-1209, 2019
Desegregation and the achievement gap: Do diverse peers help?
J Cooley
Unpublished manuscript, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007
The economic returns to an MBA
P Arcidiacono, J Cooley, A Hussey
International Economic Review 49 (3), 873-899, 2008
How the timing of grade retention affects outcomes: Identification and estimation of time-varying treatment effects
JC Fruehwirth, S Navarro, Y Takahashi
Journal of Labor Economics 34 (4), 979-1021, 2016
Identifying peer achievement spillovers: Implications for desegregation and the achievement gap
JC Fruehwirth
Quantitative Economics 4 (1), 85-124, 2013
Can achievement peer effect estimates inform policy? a view from inside the black box
JC Fruehwirth
Review of Economics and Statistics 96 (3), 514-523, 2014
The effect of social and stress-related factors on alcohol use among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
JC Fruehwirth, BL Gorman, KM Perreira
Journal of Adolescent Health 69 (4), 557-565, 2021
Desegregation and the Achievement Gap: Do Diverse Peers Help?
J Cooley
Unpublished manuscript. Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin at …, 2010
Using global observation protocols to inform research on teaching effectiveness and school improvement: Strengths and emerging limitations
S Kelly, R Bringe, E Aucejo, JC Fruehwirth
Education Policy Analysis Archives 28, 62-62, 2020
Your peers’ parents: Spillovers from parental education
JC Fruehwirth, J Gagete-Miranda
Economics of Education review 73, 101910, 2019
Can achievement peer effect estimates inform policy? a view from inside the black box
J Cooley
Review of Economics and Statistics 93, 2009
Teacher effectiveness and classroom composition: Understanding match effects in the classroom
E Aucejo, P Coate, JC Fruehwirth, S Kelly, Z Mozenter
The Economic Journal 132 (648), 3047-3064, 2022
On the observational implications of taste-based discrimination in racial profiling
WA Brock, J Cooley, SN Durlauf, S Navarro
Journal of Econometrics 166 (1), 66-78, 2012
A theory-based approach to hedonic price regressions with time-varying unobserved product attributes: The price of pollution
P Bajari, J Cooley, K il Kim, C Timmins
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010
Your Peers’ Parents: Understanding Classroom Spillovers from Parental Education through Teaching Practices, Parental Involvement and Skill
J Fruehwirth
Unpublished manuscript, Department of Economics, University of North …, 2016
Teacher effectiveness and classroom composition
EM Aucejo, P Coate, J Fruehwirth, S Kelly, Z Mozenter
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13166, 2018
Perceived stress, mental health symptoms, and deleterious behaviors during the transition to college
JC Fruehwirth, ME Mazzolenis, MA Pepper, KM Perreira
PloS one 18 (6), e0287735, 2023
Match effects in the teacher labor market: Teacher effectiveness and classroom composition
EM Aucejo, P Coate, JC Fruehwirth, S Kelly, Z Mozenter, B White
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2019
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