Qilin Fan
Cooperative computation offloading for multi-access edge computing in 6G mobile networks via soft actor critic
C Sun, X Wu, X Li, Q Fan, J Wen, VCM Leung
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021
Three-dimensional geographic routing in wireless mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
H Huang, H Yin, Y Luo, X Zhang, G Min, Q Fan
IEEE Network 30 (2), 82-90, 2016
VNE-TD: A virtual network embedding algorithm based on temporal-difference learning
S Wang, J Bi, J Wu, AV Vasilakos, Q Fan
Computer Networks 161, 251-263, 2019
EMGR: Energy-efficient multicast geographic routing in wireless sensor networks
H Huang, J Zhang, X Zhang, B Yi, Q Fan, F Li
Computer Networks 129, 51-63, 2017
Drl-sfcp: Adaptive service function chains placement with deep reinforcement learning
T Wang, Q Fan, X Li, X Zhang, Q Xiong, S Fu, M Gao
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
Joint 3D deployment and power allocation for UAV-BS: A deep reinforcement learning approach
M Zhang, S Fu, Q Fan
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (10), 2309-2312, 2021
PA-cache: Evolving learning-based popularity-aware content caching in edge networks
Q Fan, X Li, J Li, Q He, K Wang, J Wen
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (2), 1746-1757, 2021
Video delivery networks: Challenges, solutions and future directions
Q Fan, H Yin, G Min, P Yang, Y Luo, Y Lyu, H Huang, L Jiao
Computers & Electrical Engineering 66, 332-341, 2018
Cooperative edge caching based on temporal convolutional networks
X Zhang, Z Qi, G Min, W Miao, Q Fan, Z Ma
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (9), 2093-2105, 2021
Cooperative computing in integrated blockchain-based internet of things
S Fu, Q Fan, Y Tang, H Zhang, X Jian, X Zeng
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (3), 1603-1612, 2019
Caching in information-centric networking: From a content delivery path perspective
X Chen, Q Fan, H Yin
2013 9th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology …, 2013
Cooperative caching scheme for content oriented networking
R Liu, H Yin, X Cai, G Zhu, L Yu, Q Fan, J Xu
IEEE communications letters 17 (4), 781-784, 2013
Towards optimal request mapping and response routing for content delivery networks
Q Fan, H Yin, L Jiao, Y Lyu, H Huang, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 (2), 606-613, 2018
OA-cache: Oracle approximation-based cache replacement at the network edge
S Qiu, Q Fan, X Li, X Zhang, G Min, Y Lyu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (3), 3177-3189, 2023
Dependency-aware hybrid task offloading in mobile edge computing networks
Z Ming, X Li, C Sun, Q Fan, X Wang, VCM Leung
2021 IEEE 27th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2021
Fusing hypergraph spectral features for shilling attack detection
H Li, M Gao, F Zhou, Y Wang, Q Fan, L Yang
Journal of information security and applications 63, 103051, 2021
A survey of VNF forwarding graph embedding in B5G/6G networks
B Zhang, Q Fan, X Zhang, Z Fu, S Wang, J Li, Q Xiong
Wireless Networks, 1-24, 2021
Task offloading for automatic speech recognition in edge-cloud computing based mobile networks
S Cheng, Z Xu, X Li, X Wu, Q Fan, X Wang, VCM Leung
2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1-6, 2020
Meta-prompt based learning for low-resource false information detection
Y Huang, M Gao, J Wang, J Yin, K Shu, Q Fan, J Wen
Information Processing & Management 60 (3), 103279, 2023
Task offloading for deep learning empowered automatic speech analysis in mobile edge-cloud computing networks
X Li, Z Xu, F Fang, Q Fan, X Wang, VCM Leung
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 11 (2), 1985-1998, 2022
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