O A Mahmood
O A Mahmood
University of Diyala / college of engineering / department of communication engineering
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IoT traffic prediction using multi-step ahead prediction with neural network
AR Abdellah, OAK Mahmood, A Paramonov, A Koucheryavy
2019 11th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2019
Distributed edge computing for resource allocation in smart cities based on the IoT
OA Mahmood, AR Abdellah, A Muthanna, A Koucheryavy
Information 13 (7), 328, 2022
Delay prediction in IoT using machine learning approach
AR Abdellah, OA Mahmood, A Koucheryavy
2020 12th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2020
An anomaly intrusion detection for high-density internet of things wireless communication network based deep learning algorithms
EH Salman, MA Taher, YI Hammadi, OA Mahmood, A Muthanna, ...
Sensors 23 (1), 206, 2022
Machine learning algorithm for delay prediction in iot and tactile internet
AR Abdellah, OA Mahmood, R Kirichek, A Paramonov, A Koucheryavy
Future Internet 13 (12), 304, 2021
Optimization of Routes in the Internet of Things
OA Mahmood, A Paramonov
Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems …, 2018
Метод маршрутизации трафика в сети Интернета Вещей на основе минимума вероятности коллизий
АЕ Кучерявый, ОА Махмуд, АИ Парамонов
Труды учебных заведений связи 5 (3), 37-44, 2019
High density sensor networks intrusion detection system for anomaly intruders using the slime mould algorithm
MH Alwan, YI Hammadi, OA Mahmood, A Muthanna, A Koucheryavy
Electronics 11 (20), 3332, 2022
Прогнозирование задержки в сетях интернета вещей и тактильного интернета с использованием машинного обучения
АР Абделлах, ОА Махмуд, АИ Парамонов, АЕ Кучерявый
Электросвязь, 23-27, 2021
Effect of heterogeneous traffic on quality of service in 5G network
OA Mahmood, A Khakimov, A Muthanna, A Paramonov
Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: 22nd International …, 2019
An efficient technique to PAPR reduction for LTE uplink using Lonzo’s resampling technique in both SC-LFDMA and SC-DFDMA systems
T Mahmood, OA Mahmood, KA Humood
Applied Nanoscience, 1-7, 2021
Peculiarity of the internet of thing traffic routing, selection of the gateway location
O Mahmood, A Paramonov
2018 10th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2018
Hiding (1-8) Multimedia Files In One Color Image
JN Shehab, HR Hatem, OA Mahmood
University of Diyala–College of Engineering, 2017
An overview of challenges in medical image processing
AOA Deheyab, MH Alwan, IA Rezzaqe, OA Mahmood, YI Hammadi, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks …, 2022
Transmission performance analysis of 67.5 Tbps MC-WDM system incorporating optical wireless communication
YI Hammadi, OA Mahmood
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 16 (March-April …, 2022
New Filtering Method to Reduce PAPR and OOBE of UFMC in 5G Communication System
YI Hammadi, RK Ahmed, OA Mahmood, A Muthanna
International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks …, 2022
Модель сети интернета вещей как сети, толерантной к задержкам
ОА Махмуд, АИ Парамонов, АЕ Кучерявый
Электросвязь, 43-49, 2019
Urban traffic flow estimation system based on gated recurrent unit deep learning methodology for Internet of Vehicles
AHA Hussain, MA Taher, OA Mahmood, YI Hammadi, R Alkanhel, ...
IEEE Access 11, 58516-58531, 2023
Emerging threat of deep fake: How to identify and prevent it
MA Taha, WM Khudhair, AM Khudhur, OA Mahmood, YI Hammadi, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks …, 2022
A Novel Technique for Creating Optical Multi-carrier Generation Using Nested Electro-Absorption Modulators
MH Alwan, YI Hammadi, MA Muhi, OA Mahmood, A Tselykh, ...
International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks …, 2022
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