Siti Ummi Masruroh
Siti Ummi Masruroh
在 uinjkt.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Performance evaluation of routing protocol RIPv2, OSPF, EIGRP with BGP
SU Masruroh, A Fiade, MF Iman
2017 International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information …, 2017
Analisa dan Perbandingan Bukti Forensik Aplikasi Media Sosial Facebook dan Twitter pada Smartphone Android
WA Mukti
Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah …, 2017
Comparative analysis of a* and basic theta* algorithm in android-based pathfinding games
ER Firmansyah, SU Masruroh, F Fahrianto
2016 6th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2016
Gamified learning platform analysis for designing a gamification-based ui/ux of e-learning applications: A systematic literature review
V Handayani, FL Budiono, D Rosyada, RNS Amriza, SU Masruroh
2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM …, 2020
Pengaruh Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Layanan, Keragaman Produk dan Pengalaman terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan di Bengkel Bandara Motor Brangkal Mojokerto
S Masruroh
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen (BION) 1 (1), 43-54, 2021
Performance analysis of black hole attack and flooding attack AODV routing protocol on VANET (vehicular ad-hoc network)
A Fiade, AY Triadi, A Sulhi, SU Masruroh, V Handayani, HB Suseno
2020 8th International conference on cyber and IT service management (CITSM …, 2020
Performance evaluation of routing protocols RIPng, OSPFv3, and EIGRP in an IPv6 network
SU Masruroh, F Robby, N Hakiem
2016 International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 111-116, 2016
Pengembangan aplikasi bank sampah menggunakan layanan teknologi informasi cloud computing pada bank sampah melati bersih
SU Masruroh, SE Suciasih, HB Suseno
Jurnal Teknik Informatika 8 (2), 2015
Evaluasi kinerja hot standby router protocol (Hsrp) dan gateway load b alancing protocol (Glbp) untuk layanan video streaming
A Akmaludin
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah …, 2019
Hubungan efikasi diri terhadap hasil belajar blok emergency medicine pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir fakultas kedokteran universitas lampung
S Masruroh
Performance evaluation dmvpn using routing protocol rip, ospf, and eigrp
SU Masruroh, KHP Widya, A Fiade, IR Julia
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM …, 2018
Analysis of Failover Link System Performance in OSPF, EIGRP, RIPV2 Routing Protocol with BGP
A Fiade, MA Agustian, SU Masruroh
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM …, 2019
Mengukur tingkat kematangan layanan IT dengan framework ITIL V3 (Studi kasus: PUSTIPANDA UIN Jakarta)
A Romadhon, HT Sukmana, SU Masruroh
Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi (KNSI) 2018, 2018
Emergency-aware and QoS based routing protocol in wireless sensor network
SU Masruroh, KU Sabran
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Agents, Networks and …, 2014
Encrypted SMS application on Android with combination of caesar cipher and vigenere algorithm
F Fahrianto, SU Masruroh, NZ Ando
2014 International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 31-33, 2014
Model perilaku pencarian informasi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi: Kajian literatur
FN Alhusna, S Masruroh
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) 5 (1), 19-28, 2021
NFC based mobile attendence system with facial authorization on Raspberry Pi and Cloud Server
SU Masruroh, A Fiade, IR Julia
2018 6th international conference on cyber and IT service management (CITSM …, 2018
A prototype of child monitoring system using motion and authentication with Raspberry Pi
O Permatasari, SU Masruroh
2016 4th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, 1-6, 2016
Performance evaluation of instant messenger in Android operating system and iPhone operating system
SU Masruroh, I Saputra
2016 4th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, 1-6, 2016
Manajemen Keuangan Perusahaan
K Sarianti, H Setyawan, S Masruroh, A Radiansyah, Y Levany, ...
Sada Kurnia Pustaka, 2023
文章 1–20