Professor Marcus Enoch
Professor Marcus Enoch
School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University
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A survey of demand responsive transport in Great Britain
L Davison, M Enoch, T Ryley, M Quddus, C Wang
Transport Policy 31, 47-54, 2014
Intermode: Innovations in demand responsive transport
MP Enoch, S Potter, G Parkhurst, M Smith
Department for Transport, 2004
Investigating the contribution of Demand Responsive Transport to a sustainable local public transport system
TJ Ryley, PA Stanley, MP Enoch, AM Zanni, MA Quddus
Research in Transportation Economics 48, 364-372, 2014
Sustainable transport, mobility management and travel plans
M Enoch
Routledge, 2016
Identifying potential market niches for Demand Responsive Transport
L Davison, M Enoch, T Ryley, M Quddus, C Wang
Research in Transportation Business & Management 3, 50-61, 2012
Exploring the propensity to travel by demand responsive transport in the rural area of Lincolnshire in England
C Wang, M Quddus, M Enoch, T Ryley, L Davison
Case Studies on Transport Policy 3 (2), 129-136, 2015
Why do demand responsive transport systems fail?
M Enoch, S Potter, G Parkhurst, M Smith
Adapting Strategic Niche Management for evaluating radical transport policies––the case of the Durham Road Access Charging Scheme
P Ieromonachou, S Potter, M Enoch
International Journal of Transport Management 2 (2), 75-87, 2004
How a rapid modal convergence into a universal automated taxi service could be the future for local passenger transport
MP Enoch
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 27 (8), 910-924, 2015
A worldwide review of support mechanisms for car clubs
MP Enoch, J Taylor
Transport Policy 13 (5), 434-443, 2006
Role of bus‐based park and ride in the UK: a temporal and evaluative review
S Meek, S Ison, M Enoch
Transport reviews 28 (6), 781-803, 2008
Multilevel modelling of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) trips in Greater Manchester based on area-wide socio-economic data
C Wang, M Quddus, M Enoch, T Ryley, L Davison
Transportation 41, 589-610, 2014
Tax treatment of employer commuting support: an international review
S Potter, M Enoch, T Rye, C Black, B Ubbels
Transport reviews 26 (2), 221-237, 2006
Developing travel time estimation methods using sparse GPS data
I Sanaullah, M Quddus, M Enoch
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (6), 532-544, 2016
Encouraging the commercial sector to help employees to change their travel behaviour
M Enoch, S Potter
Transport Policy 10 (1), 51-58, 2003
Demand responsive transport: a review of schemes in England and Wales
R Laws, M Enoch, S Ison, S Potter
Journal of Public Transportation 12 (1), 19-37, 2009
Alternative ways of funding public transport: A case study assessment
B Ubbels, P Nijkamp, E Verhoef, S Potter, M Enoch
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 1 (1), 73-89, 2001
UK local authority attitudes to Park and Ride
S Meek, S Ison, M Enoch
Journal of Transport Geography 18 (3), 372-381, 2010
Future local passenger transport system scenarios and implications for policy and practice
MP Enoch, R Cross, N Potter, C Davidson, S Taylor, R Brown, H Huang, ...
Transport policy 90, 52-67, 2020
Stakeholder perspectives on the current and future roles of UK bus-based Park and Ride
S Meek, S Ison, M Enoch
Journal of Transport Geography 17 (6), 468-475, 2009
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