Maralyn Foureur
Maralyn Foureur
Honorary Professor Midwifery
在 newcastle.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Enhancing the resilience of nurses and midwives: Pilot of a mindfulnessbased program for increased health, sense of coherence and decreased depression, anxiety and stress
M Foureur, K Besley, G Burton, N Yu, J Crisp
Contemporary nurse 45 (1), 114-125, 2013
Caseload midwifery care versus standard maternity care for women of any risk: M@ NGO, a randomised controlled trial
SK Tracy, DL Hartz, MB Tracy, J Allen, A Forti, B Hall, J White, ...
The Lancet 382 (9906), 1723-1732, 2013
Factors that may influence midwives work-related stress and burnout
L Mollart, VM Skinner, C Newing, M Foureur
Women and birth 26 (1), 26-32, 2013
Maternal and perinatal outcomes by planned place of birth among women with low-risk pregnancies in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
VL Scarf, C Rossiter, S Vedam, HG Dahlen, D Ellwood, D Forster, ...
Midwifery 62, 240-255, 2018
Group versus conventional antenatal care for women
CJ Catling, N Medley, M Foureur, C Ryan, N Leap, A Teate, CSE Homer
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2015
Medication administration errors: understanding the issues
K McBride-Henry, M Foureur
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The 23 (3), 33-41, 2006
The EPIIC hypothesis: intrapartum effects on the neonatal epigenome and consequent health outcomes
HG Dahlen, HP Kennedy, CM Anderson, AF Bell, A Clark, M Foureur, ...
Medical hypotheses 80 (5), 656-662, 2013
Birth territory and midwifery guardianship: Theory for practice, education and research
K Fahy, M Foureur, C Hastie
Books for Midwives, 2008
Surviving, not thriving: a qualitative study of newly qualified midwives’ experience of their transition to practice
J Fenwick, A Hammond, J Raymond, R Smith, J Gray, M Foureur, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 21 (13-14), 2054-2063, 2012
Asking different questions: A call to action for research to improve the quality of care for every woman, every child
HP Kennedy, M Cheyney, HG Dahlen, S Downe, MJ Foureur, CSE Homer, ...
Birth 45 (3), 222-231, 2018
It's beyond water: stories of women's experience of using water for labour and birth
RM Maude, MJ Foureur
Women and birth 20 (1), 17-24, 2007
The relationship between birth unit design and safe, satisfying birth: Developing a hypothetical model
M Foureur, D Davis, J Fenwick, N Leap, R Iedema, I Forbes, CSE Homer
Midwifery 26 (5), 520-525, 2010
Designing out the Fear Cascade to increase the likelihood of normal birth
M Stenglin, M Foureur
Midwifery 29 (8), 819-825, 2013
Creating birth space to enable undisturbed birth
M Foureur
Birth territory and midwifery guardianship: Theory for practice, education …, 2008
Sweet‐tasting solutions for needle‐related procedural pain in infants one month to one year of age
M Kassab, JP Foster, M Foureur, C Fowler
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012
Space, place and the midwife: Exploring the relationship between the birth environment, neurobiology and midwifery practice
A Hammond, M Foureur, CSE Homer, D Davis
Women and Birth 26 (4), 277-281, 2013
‘It's more than just having a baby’women's experiences of a maternity service for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
CSE Homer, MJ Foureur, T Allende, F Pekin, S Caplice, C Catling-Paull
Midwifery 28 (4), e509-e515, 2012
Mentorship, preceptorship and clinical supervision: three key processes for supporting midwives
S Lennox, J Skinner, M Foureur
New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 2008
The emotional and hormonal pathways of labour and birth: integrating mind, body and behaviour
L Dixon, JP Skinner, M Foureur
Journal-New Zealand College of Midwives, 2013
Birthplace in New South Wales, Australia: an analysis of perinatal outcomes using routinely collected data
CSE Homer, C Thornton, VL Scarf, DA Ellwood, JJN Oats, MJ Foureur, ...
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 14, 1-12, 2014
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