María Eugenia López-Lambas
María Eugenia López-Lambas
profesora UPM
在 upm.es 的电子邮件经过验证
The importance of service quality attributes in public transportation: Narrowing the gap between scientific research and practitioners' needs
B Guirao, A García-Pastor, ME López-Lambas
Transport Policy 49, 68-77, 2016
High speed rail effects on tourism: Spanish empirical evidence derived from China's modelling experience
JL Campa, ME López-Lambas, B Guirao
Journal of Transport Geography 57, 44-54, 2016
Urban mobility in the digital era: An exploration of travellers' expectations of MaaS mobile-technologies
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, E Lopez, ME Lopez-Lambas
Technology in Society 63, 101392, 2020
The driverless bus: An analysis of public perceptions and acceptability
ME López-Lambas, A Alonso
Sustainability 11 (18), 4986, 2019
Methodology for assessing the cost effectiveness of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). The case of the city of Burgos
JM Diez, ME Lopez-Lambas, H Gonzalo, M Rojo, A Garcia-Martinez
Journal of Transport Geography 68, 22-30, 2018
A GPS analysis for urban freight distribution
J Comendador, ME López-Lambas, A Monzón
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 39, 521-533, 2012
Exploring the role of social capital influence variables on travel behaviour
F Di Ciommo, J Comendador, ME López-Lambas, E Cherchi, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 68, 46-55, 2014
Are travellers willing to adopt MaaS? Exploring attitudinal and personality factors in the case of Madrid, Spain
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, D Lois, ME Lopez-Lambas
Travel Behaviour and Society 25, 246-261, 2021
Impact of high-speed rail on cultural tourism development: The experience of the Spanish museums and monuments
JL Campa, F Pagliara, ME López-Lambas, R Arce, B Guirao
Sustainability 11 (20), 5845, 2019
Can HSR improve the mobility of international tourists visiting Spain? Territorial evidence derived from the Spanish experience
JL Campa, R Arce, ME López-Lambas, B Guirao
Journal of Transport Geography 73, 94-107, 2018
New QR survey methodologies to analyze user perception of service quality in public transport: the experience of Madrid
B Guirao, A García, ME López, C Acha, J Comendador
Journal of Public Transportation 18 (3), 71-88, 2015
Comparison of the willingness to adopt MaaS in Madrid (Spain) and Randstad (The Netherlands) metropolitan areas
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, ME Lopez-Lambas
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 152, 275-294, 2021
Key quality factors at urban interchanges
G Dell'Asin, A Monzón, ME Lopez-Lambas
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 168 (4), 326-335, 2015
The walking health: A route choice model to analyze the street factors enhancing active mobility
ME López-Lambas, JM Sánchez, A Alonso
Journal of Transport & Health 22, 101133, 2021
Evaluating the impact of urban design scenarios on walking accessibility: the case of the Madrid ‘Centro’district.
E Ortega, BÉN MartÍN, MÍAE LÓPez-Lambas, JA Soria-Lara
Sustainable Cities and Society 74, 103156, 2021
Rebalancing urban mobility: a tale of four cities
ME López-Lambas, MV Corazza, A Monzon, A Musso
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning …, 2013
Comparison between bus rapid transit and light-rail transit systems: A multi-criteria decision analysis approach
ME Lopez Lambas, N Giuffrida
Urban Transport XXIII 176 (143), 2017
Experimenting with scenario-building narratives to integrate land use and transport
A Ariza-Álvarez, JA Soria-Lara, RM Arce-Ruiz, ME López-Lambas, ...
Transport Policy 101, 57-70, 2021
Private funding and management for public interchanges in Madrid
ME Lopez-Lambas, A Monzon
Research in Transportation Economics 29 (1), 323-328, 2010
Joint analysis of intermodal long distance-last mile trips using urban interchanges in EU cities
A Monzon, A Alonso, M Lopez-Lambas
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 1074-1079, 2017
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