Extended contact effects: Is exposure to positive outgroup exemplars sufficient or is interaction with ingroup members necessary? V Cernat The Journal of Social Psychology 151 (6), 737-753, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Psihologia stereotipurilor V Cernat Polirom, 2005 | 40 | 2005 |
Intergroup contact in Romania: When minority size is positively related to intergroup conflict V Cernat Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 20 (1), 15-29, 2010 | 35 | 2010 |
Socio-economic status and political support in post-communist Romania V Cernat Communist and Post-Communist Studies 43 (1), 43-50, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
Emotional problems and academic performance of students in manufacturing V Cernat, L Moldovan Procedia Manufacturing 22, 833-839, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Ethnic conflict and reconciliation in post-communist Romania V Cernat Peace Psychology in the Balkans: Dealing with a Violent Past While Building …, 2012 | 18* | 2012 |
When cross‐ethnic friendships can be bad for out‐group attitudes: The importance of friendship quality V Cernat Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 29 (2), 81-89, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
I know what you did last millennium: Ethnic stereotype and attitude change after reminding people of historical events V Cernat Current Research in Social Psychology 7 (2), 11-30, 2001 | 12 | 2001 |
Trajectories of interethnic contact and prejudice in a four-waves study of Romanian teenager–parent pairs V Cernat Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43 (15), 2669-2687, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Interminority contact and solidarity under conflict: Evidence from the Hungarian and Roma minorities in Romania V Cernat Basic and applied social psychology 41 (5), 326-339, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
The emotional and social skills of students in egineering V Cernat, L Moldovan Acta Marisiensis. Seria Technologica 14 (1), 37-41, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Roma undercount and the issue of undeclared ethnicity in the 2011 Romanian census V Cernat International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (6), 761-766, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Identificarea europeanã şi reducerea pãrtinirii intergrupale: rolul mediator al valorilor V Cernat Psihologia socială, 93-105, 2005 | 1 | 2005 |
Efectele percepţiei factorilor economici asupra identităţii europene V Cernat Psihologia socială, 65-76, 2003 | 1 | 2003 |
Personality and specialization choice LE Coșa, V Cernat Current Psychology 43 (17), 15602-15610, 2024 | | 2024 |
Organizational corruption, test score manipulation, and teacher hiring in Romania V Cernat International Journal of Educational Development 105, 102993, 2024 | | 2024 |
Recviem pentru un metaranking V Cernat | | 2022 |
Picioarele de lut ale Psihologiei Poporului Român V Cernat | | 2016 |
Psihologia poporului român: Copia imperfectă a unui prototip irealizabil V Cernat Revista de Politica Științei și Scientometrie 4 (4), 306-311, 2015 | | 2015 |