Ryan L. Stowe
Ryan L. Stowe
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Chemistry education research—From personal empiricism to evidence, theory, and informed practice
MM Cooper, RL Stowe
Chemical reviews 118 (12), 6053-6087, 2018
The Curious Construct of Active Learning
D Lombardi, TF Shipley, A Team, B Team, C Team, E Team, G Team, ...
Psychological Science in the Public Interest 22 (1), 8-43, 2021
Identification of histone deacetylase inhibitors with benzoylhydrazide scaffold that selectively inhibit class I histone deacetylases
Y Wang, RL Stowe, CE Pinello, G Tian, F Madoux, D Li, LY Zhao, JL Li, ...
Chemistry & biology 22 (2), 273-284, 2015
Organic chemistry, life, the universe and everything (OCLUE): A transformed organic chemistry curriculum
MM Cooper, RL Stowe, OM Crandell, MW Klymkowsky
Journal of Chemical Education 96 (9), 1858-1872, 2019
Practicing what we preach: assessing “critical thinking” in organic chemistry
RL Stowe, MM Cooper
Journal of Chemical Education 94 (12), 1852-1859, 2017
Evaluating the extent of a large-scale transformation in gateway science courses
RL Matz, CL Fata-Hartley, LA Posey, JT Laverty, SM Underwood, ...
Science Advances 4 (10), eaau0554, 2018
You are what you assess: The case for emphasizing chemistry on chemistry assessments
RL Stowe, LJ Scharlott, VR Ralph, NM Becker, MM Cooper
Journal of chemical education 98 (8), 2490-2495, 2021
Assessment in chemistry education
RL Stowe, MM Cooper
Israel Journal of Chemistry 59 (6-7), 598-607, 2019
Characterizing college science instruction: The three-dimensional learning observation protocol
K Bain, L Bender, P Bergeron, MD Caballero, JH Carmel, EM Duffy, ...
PLoS One 15 (6), e0234640, 2020
Arguing from spectroscopic evidence
RL Stowe, MM Cooper
Journal of Chemical Education 96 (10), 2072-2085, 2019
Advancing equity in STEM: The impact assessment design has on who succeeds in undergraduate introductory chemistry
VR Ralph, LJ Scharlott, AGL Schafer, MY Deshaye, NM Becker, RL Stowe
JACS Au 2 (8), 1869-1880, 2022
Impact of maintaining assessment emphasis on three-dimensional learning as organic chemistry moved online
RL Stowe, BJ Esselman, VR Ralph, AJ Ellison, JD Martell, KS DeGlopper, ...
Journal of Chemical Education 97 (9), 2408-2420, 2020
The impact of core-idea centered instruction on high school students’ understanding of structure–property relationships
RL Stowe, DG Herrington, RL McKay, MM Cooper
Journal of Chemical Education 96 (7), 1327-1340, 2019
Beyond instructional practices: Characterizing learning environments that support students in explaining chemical phenomena
VR Ralph, LJ Scharlott, CE Schwarz, NM Becker, RL Stowe
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 59 (5), 841-875, 2022
Adapting a core-idea centered undergraduate general chemistry curriculum for use in high school
RL Stowe, DG Herrington, RL McKay, MM Cooper
Journal of Chemical Education 96 (7), 1318-1326, 2019
Impact of assessment emphasis on organic chemistry students’ explanations for an alkene addition reaction
KS DeGlopper, CE Schwarz, NJ Ellias, RL Stowe
Journal of Chemical Education 99 (3), 1368-1382, 2022
The picture is not the point: Toward using representations as models for making sense of phenomena
RL Stowe, BJ Esselman
Journal of Chemical Education 100 (1), 15-21, 2022
Making Water the Exciting Way: A Classroom Demonstration of Catalysis
RL Stowe, SM Bischof, MM Konnick, CH Hövelmann, ...
Journal of Chemical Education 91 (4), 550-553, 2014
Messages about valued knowledge products and processes embedded within a suite of transformed high school chemistry curricular materials
AGL Schafer, TM Kuborn, CE Schwarz, MY Deshaye, RL Stowe
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 24 (1), 71-88, 2023
Beliefs versus resources: a tale of two models of epistemology
KS DeGlopper, RS Russ, PK Sutar, RL Stowe
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 24 (2), 768-784, 2023
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