Salome Schneider
Salome Schneider
WSL Birmensdorf
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Spatial distribution of Metarhizium clade 1 in agricultural landscapes with arable land and different semi-natural habitats
S Schneider, F Widmer, K Jacot, R Kölliker, J Enkerli
Applied Soil Ecology 52, 20-28, 2012
Intraspecific and intergenerational differences in plant–soil feedbacks
C Wagg, B Boller, S Schneider, F Widmer, MGA van der Heijden
Oikos 124 (8), 994-1004, 2015
A PCR-based tool for cultivation-independent detection and quantification of Metarhizium clade 1
S Schneider, SA Rehner, F Widmer, J Enkerli
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 108 (2), 106-114, 2011
Are traded forest tree seeds a potential source of nonnative pests?
I Franić, S Prospero, M Hartmann, E Allan, MA Auger‐Rozenberg, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (7), e01971, 2019
A generally applicable assay for the quantification of inhibitory effects on PCR
S Schneider, J Enkerli, F Widmer
Journal of microbiological methods 78 (3), 351-353, 2009
Fungal community structure in soils of conventional and organic farming systems
S Schneider, M Hartmann, J Enkerli, F Widmer
Fungal Ecology 3 (3), 215-224, 2010
First report of acute oak decline disease of native and non-native oaks in Switzerland
B Ruffner, S Schneider, J Meyer, V Queloz, D Rigling
New Dis. Rep 41 (18), 2044-0588.2020, 2020
Detection of pine needle diseases caused by Dothistroma septosporum, Dothistroma pini and Lecanosticta acicola using different methodologies
S Schneider, E Jung, V Queloz, JB Meyer, D Rigling
Forest pathology 49 (2), e12495, 2019
Do Multi-year Applications of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis for Control of Mosquito Larvae Affect the Abundance of B. cereus Group Populations in …
S Schneider, T Tajrin, JO Lundström, NB Hendriksen, P Melin, I Sundh
Microbial ecology 74, 901-909, 2017
V-REVCOMP: automated high-throughput detection of reverse complementary 16S rRNA gene sequences in large environmental and taxonomic datasets
M Hartmann, CG Howes, V Veldre, S Schneider, PA Vaishampayan, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 319 (2), 140-145, 2011
Drivers of richness and community composition of fungal endophytes of tree seeds
I Franić, R Eschen, E Allan, M Hartmann, S Schneider, S Prospero
FEMS microbiology ecology 96 (9), fiaa166, 2020
Chromosome-directed PCR-based detection and quantification of Bacillus cereus group members with focus on B. thuringiensis serovar israelensis active against nematoceran larvae
S Schneider, NB Hendriksen, P Melin, JO Lundström, I Sundh
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (15), 4894-4903, 2015
Waldschutzüberblick 2017
L Beenken, C Buser, B Forster, D Hölling, F Meier, JB Meyer, O Odermatt, ...
Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL, 2018
Waldschutz-Überblick 2015
F Meier, V Queloz, B Forster, O Odermatt, A Angst, D Hölling
WSL Berichte 45, 2016
 Conditions of emergence of the Sooty Bark Disease and aerobiology of Cryptostroma corticale in Europe
E Muller, M Dvořák, B Marçais, E Caeiro, B Clot, ML Desprez-Loustau, ...
NeoBiota 84, 319-347, 2023
Überwachung von besonders gefährlichen Schadorganismen für den Wald–Jahresbericht 2020
D Rigling, V Dubach, L Beenken, S SCHNEI-DER, D Hölling, S Prospero, ...
Surveillance des organismes nuisibles particulièrement dangereux pour la …, 2020
Nationales Monitoring von zwei besonders gefährlichen Föhrenkrankheiten 2016. Suivi national de deux maladies du pin particulièrement dangereuses 2016. Monitoraggio nazionale …
V Dubach, JB Meyer, S Schneider, B Ruffner, V Queloz, W Schweiz
Phytopathologie, WSL and Im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt, 2018
Tree diversity reduces co-infestation of Douglas fir by two exotic pests and pathogens
A Stemmelen, B Castagneyrol, Q Ponette, S Prospero, G San Martin, ...
NeoBiota 84, 397-413, 2023
Überwachung von besonders gefährlichen Schadorganismen für den Wald–Jahresbericht 2017 Surveillance des organismes nuisibles particulièrement dangereux pour la forêt–Rapport …
V Queloz, C Buser, V Dubach, D Hölling, JB Meyer, S Schneider, ...
WSL Berichte 123, 2022
Transmission of Verticillium nonalfalfae via root contact from inoculated Ailanthus altissima in close‐to‐nature conditions
V Dubach, S Schneider, I Vögtli, V Queloz, S Stroheker
Forest Pathology 51 (6), e12720, 2021
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