Fadia Al Abbar
Fadia Al Abbar
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Movements and habitat use of satellite-tagged whale sharks off western Madagascar
S Diamant, CA Rohner, JJ Kiszka, AG d Echon, TG d Echon, ...
Endangered Species Research 36, 49-58, 2018
Spatial ecology of delphinids in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand: Implications for conservation management: a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for …
CL Cross
Massey University, 2019
Field testing the efficiency of the FaunaGuard Porpoise Module (FG-PM) in the Marsdiep area
SCV Geelhoed, R von Asmuth, F Al Abbar, MF Leopold, GM Aarts
Wageningen Marine Research, Wageningen, 2017
Assessing data bias in visual surveys from a cetacean monitoring programme
C Oliveira-Rodrigues, AM Correia, R Valente, Á Gil, M Gandra, M Liberal, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 682, 2022
SARF112-Influences of lower-frequency Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) on cetaceans in Scottish coastal waters: A study commissioned by the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum …
S Benjamins, D Risch, P Lepper, B Wilson
Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum, 2018
Distribution and habitat modelling for cetacean species in the eastern north Atlantic Ocean
AMT Correia
PQDT-Global, 2020
The ecology of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master …
BR Outhwaite
Massey University, 2018
Aerial Photo-Identification of Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus).
SA O'Callaghan, F Al Abbar, H Costa, R Prieto, M Gammell, J O'Brien
Aquatic Mammals 50 (6), 2024
2022 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling
I van de Leemput, M Herold, S Dellicour
Sviluppo di un protocollo acustico a bordo di navi da whale watching per stimare la taglia di Capodogli a largo di São Miguel, Azzorre.
C Marcolin
Università degli studi di Genova, 2022
Spatial and Temporal Distribution And Photo Identification of Short-Finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala Macrorhynchus) Off são Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal
R Negulescu
PQDT-Global, 2020
Spatial ecology of delphinids in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand: Implications for conservation management
CL Cross
Unpublished PhD thesis. Massey University, 2019
Leucistic Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris borealis off São Miguel, Azores, in November 2019
F Al-Abbar, MSC Silva, SCV Geelhoed
Seabird 32, 119-121, 2019
Do harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) echolocate louder in a noisy environment?: Matching visual detections to their echolocation
F Al-Abbar, R von Asmuth, SCV Geelhoed, MF Leopold, GM Aarts
Zeezoogdierdag in het Biotoop, 2018
Effect of porpoise specific ADD, FaunaGuard Porpoise Module (FG-PM), on the behaviour of wild harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
R von Asmuth, F al Abbar, G Aarts, M Leopold
Zeezoogdierdag in het Biotoop, 2018
Het verhaal achter het koraal: nieuwe soorten in de aquacultuur
J de Ruiter, KR Chatzipanagiotou
Aquacultuur 29 (5), 42-49, 2014
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