Luis Alberto Cruz Salazar
Luis Alberto Cruz Salazar
PhD Candidate at Technical University of Munich (TUM) - School of Engineering and Design
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Cyber-physical production systems architecture based on multi-agent’s design pattern—comparison of selected approaches mapping four agent patterns
LA Cruz Salazar, D Ryashentseva, A Lüder, B Vogel-Heuser
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing 105 (9), 4005–4034, 2019
Automation platform independent multi-agent system for robust networks of production resources in industry 4.0
M Seitz, F Gehlhoff, LA Cruz S., A Fay, B Vogel-Heuser
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 32 (7), 2023–2041, 2021
Multi-agent systems to enable Industry 4.0
B Vogel-Heuser, M Seitz, LA Cruz S., F Gehlhoff, A Dogan, A Fay
at - Automatisierungstechnik 68 (6), 445-458, 2020
Platform Independent Multi-Agent System for Robust Networks of Production Systems
LA Cruz Salazar, F Mayer, D Schütz, B Vogel-Heuser
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 1261-1268, 2018
Comparison of Agent Oriented Software Methodologies to Apply in Cyber Physical Production Systems
LA Cruz Salazar, B Vogel-Heuser
2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 65-71, 2017
The future of industrial automation and IEC 614993 standard
LA Cruz Salazar, OA Alvarado R.
Engineering Mechatronics and Automation (CIIMA), 2014 III International …, 2014
A CPPS-architecture and workflow for bringing agent-based technologies as a form of artificial intelligence into practice
LA Cruz Salazar, B Vogel-Heuser
at - Automatisierungstechnik 70 (6), 580-598, 2022
Converging IoT protocols for the data integration of automation systems in the electrical industry
S Gil, GD Zapata-Madrigal, R García-Sierra, LA Cruz Salazar
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology 9 (1), 1-21, 2022
The Control of Water Distribution Systems as a Holonic System
E Chacón, J Cardillo A., LA Cruz S.
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry …, 2019
Proportional reliability of agent-oriented software engineering for the application of cyber physical production systems
LA Cruz Salazar, H Li
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 139-156, 2018
Cyber-Physical System for industrial control automation based on the holonic approach and the IEC 61499 standard
LA Cruz S., JH Carvajal, OA Rojas A., E Chacón
Forum on specification & Design Languages, FDL, 5-16, 2018
Structuring Cyber-Physical Systems for Distributed Control with IEC 61499 Standard
E Monroy Cruz, LR García Carrillo, LA Cruz Salazar
IEEE Latin America Transactions 21 (2), 251-259, 2023
A control architecture for continuous production processes based on industry 4.0: water supply systems application
E Chacón, LA Cruz Salazar, J Cardillo, YA Paredes Astudillo
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 32 (7), 2061–2081, 2021
Low-entry Barrier Multi-Agent System for Small-and Middle-sized Enterprises in the Sector of Automated Production Systems
F Haben, B Vogel-Heuser, H Najjari, M Seitz, E Trunzer, LAC Salazar
2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2021
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Waypoint-based Exploration in Robotic Devices
J Zinn, B Vogel-Heuser, F Schuhmann, LA Cruz Salazar
IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 1-7, 2021
Implementación de redes neuronales y lógica difusa para la clasificación de patrones obtenidos por un Sónar
LA Cruz Salazar, DJ Aldana M., JA Contreras M.
Engineering Mechatronics and Automation (CIIMA), 2013 II International …, 2013
Comparación de enfoques de sistemas de control tradicionales y el paradigma de los Sistemas Holónicos de Manufactura
LA Cruz Salazar, OA Rojas A.
II International Congress of Engineering Mechatronics and Automation (CIIMA …, 2013
Comparación de estándares IEC 61131-3 e IEC 61499 para implementar sistemas de control distribuido
E Monroy Cruz, LR García Carrillo, LA Cruz Salazar, BD Hernández Rojo
Memorias de Divulgación Científica, Tecnológica e Innovación de la SOMIM …, 2022
Agentenmuster für flexible und rekonfigurierbare Industrie 4.0/CPS- Automatisierungs- bzw. Energiesysteme (Agent pattern for flexible and reconfigurable Industry 4.0/CPS …
B Vogel-Heuser, LA Cruz Salazar, D Ryashentseva, F Ocker, M Hoffmann, ...
19. Leitkongress der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik, 1119-1130, 2018
Automatización Industrial Inteligente: Una estructura de control desde el paradigma holónico de manufactura (Intelligent Industrial Automation: A control structure since the …
LA Cruz Salazar
Editorial Académica Española, Beau Bassin, Mauritius, 1-164, 2018
文章 1–20