Dr. Selim Solmaz
Dr. Selim Solmaz
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
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A methodology for the design of robust rollover prevention controllers for automotive vehicles with active steering
S Solmaz, M Corless, R Shorten
International Journal of Control 80 (11), 1763-1779, 2007
Real-time multiple-model estimation of centre of gravity position in automotive vehicles
S Solmaz, M Akar, R Shorten, J Kalkkuhl
Vehicle System Dynamics 46 (9), 763-788, 2008
A methodology for the design of robust rollover prevention controllers for automotive vehicles: Part 1-Differential Braking
S Solmaz, M Corless, R Shorten
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1739-1744, 2006
A methodology for the design of robust rollover prevention controllers for automotive vehicles: Part 2-Active steering
S Solmaz, M Corless, R Shorten
2007 American Control Conference, 1606-1611, 2007
Method for determining the center of gravity for an automotive vehicle
MA Selim Solmaz, Robert Shorten
US Patent US 20090024269 A1, 2008
Design of a Multiple Model Switching Controller for ABS braking dynamics
SS Morteza Dousti, S.Çağlar Başlamışlı, Teoman Onder
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2014
Adaptive rollover prevention for automotive vehicles with differential braking
S Solmaz, M Akar, R Shorten
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 4695-4700, 2008
A design methodology for switched discrete time linear systems with applications to automotive roll dynamics control
S Solmaz, R Shorten, K Wulff, FO Cairbre
Automatica 44 (9), 2358-2363, 2008
Online center of gravity estimation in automotive vehicles using multiple models and switching
S Solmaz, M Akar, R Shorten
2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2006
Design and dynamic study of a 6 kW external rotor permanent magnet Brushless DC motor for electric drivetrains
D Uygun, S Solmaz
2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and …, 2015
Topics in automotive rollover prevention: robust and adaptive switching strategies for estimation and control
S Solmaz
National University of Ireland-Maynooth, 2007
Simultaneous estimation of road friction and sideslip angle based on switched multiple non-linear observers
S Solmaz, SÇ Başlamışlı
IET Control Theory & Applications 6 (14), 2235-2247, 2012
Switched stable control design methodology applied to vehicle rollover prevention based on switched suspension settings
S Solmaz
IET control theory & applications 5 (9), 1104-1112, 2011
Motorway measurement campaign to support R&D activities in the field of automated driving technologies
V Tihanyi, T Tettamanti, M Csonthó, A Eichberger, D Ficzere, K Gangel, ...
Sensors 21 (6), 2169, 2021
A vehicle-in-the-loop methodology for evaluating automated driving functions in virtual traffic
S Solmaz, M Rudigier, M Mischinger
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1465-1471, 2020
Analysis and initial observations on varying penetration rates of automated vehicles in mixed traffic flow utilizing sumo
M Berrazouane, K Tong, S Solmaz, M Kiers, J Erhart
2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 1-7, 2019
A novel testbench for development, calibration and functional testing of ADAS/AD functions
S Solmaz, F Holzinger
2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 1-8, 2019
A methodology for the design of robust rollover prevention controllers for automotive vehicles using differential braking
J Chiu, S Solmaz, M Corless, R Shorten
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 8 (2-4), 146-170, 2010
On Padé approximations, quadratic stability and discretization of switched linear systems
R Shorten, M Corless, S Sajja, S Solmaz
Systems & control letters 60 (9), 683-689, 2011
Development and experimental validation of an intelligent camera model for automated driving
S Genser, S Muckenhuber, S Solmaz, J Reckenzaun
Sensors 21 (22), 7583, 2021
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