Artificial selection on relative brain size in the guppy reveals costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain A Kotrschal, B Rogell, A Bundsen, B Svensson, S Zajitschek, I Brännström, ... Current Biology 23 (2), 168-171, 2013 | 474 | 2013 |
Species diversity can drive speciation BC Emerson, N Kolm Nature 434 (7036), 1015-1017, 2005 | 376 | 2005 |
Female promiscuity promotes the evolution of faster sperm in cichlid fishes JL Fitzpatrick, R Montgomerie, JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, N Kolm, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (4), 1128-1132, 2009 | 273 | 2009 |
Brains and the city: big-brained passerine birds succeed in urban environments AA Maklakov, S Immler, A Gonzalez-Voyer, J Rönn, N Kolm Biology letters 7 (5), 730-732, 2011 | 203 | 2011 |
Social fishes and single mothers: brain evolution in African cichlids A Gonzalez-Voyer, S Winberg, N Kolm Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1654), 161-167, 2009 | 145 | 2009 |
How predation shapes the social interaction rules of shoaling fish JE Herbert-Read, E Rosén, A Szorkovszky, CC Ioannou, B Rogell, ... Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1861), 20171126, 2017 | 144 | 2017 |
Brain size affects performance in a reversal-learning test SD Buechel, A Boussard, A Kotrschal, W van der Bijl, N Kolm Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1871), 20172031, 2018 | 138 | 2018 |
Convergent recombination suppression suggests role of sexual selection in guppy sex chromosome formation AE Wright, I Darolti, NI Bloch, V Oostra, B Sandkam, SD Buechel, N Kolm, ... Nature Communications 8 (1), 14251, 2017 | 136 | 2017 |
Breakdown of brain–body allometry and the encephalization of birds and mammals M Tsuboi, W van der Bijl, BT Kopperud, J Erritzøe, KL Voje, A Kotrschal, ... Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (9), 1492-1500, 2018 | 135 | 2018 |
Brain size affects female but not male survival under predation threat A Kotrschal, SD Buechel, SM Zala, A Corral‐Lopez, DJ Penn, N Kolm Ecology letters 18 (7), 646-652, 2015 | 132 | 2015 |
Females produce larger eggs for large males in a paternal mouthbrooding fish N Kolm Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
Male contest competition and the coevolution of weaponry and testes in pinnipeds JL Fitzpatrick, M Almbro, A Gonzalez-Voyer, N Kolm, LW Simmons Evolution 66 (11), 3595-3604, 2012 | 127 | 2012 |
A larger brain confers a benefit in a spatial mate search learning task in male guppies A Kotrschal, A Corral-Lopez, M Amcoff, N Kolm Behavioral Ecology 26 (2), 527-532, 2015 | 120 | 2015 |
Stress-induced changes in brain serotonergic activity, plasma cortisol and aggressive behavior in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is counteracted by L-DOPA E Höglund, N Kolm, S Winberg Physiology & behavior 74 (3), 381-389, 2001 | 119 | 2001 |
Do egg size and parental care coevolve in fishes? N Kolm, I Ahnesjö Journal of Fish Biology 66 (6), 1499-1515, 2005 | 115 | 2005 |
Sex, ecology and the brain: evolutionary correlates of brain structure volumes in Tanganyikan cichlids A Gonzalez-Voyer, N Kolm PLoS One 5 (12), e14355, 2010 | 112 | 2010 |
Sexual selection determines parental care patterns in cichlid fishes A Gonzalez-Voyer, JL Fitzpatrick, N Kolm Evolution 62 (8), 2015-2026, 2008 | 108 | 2008 |
Comparative support for the expensive tissue hypothesis: big brains are correlated with smaller gut and greater parental investment in Lake Tanganyika cichlids M Tsuboi, A Husby, A Kotrschal, A Hayward, SD Buechel, J Zidar, ... Evolution 69 (1), 190-200, 2015 | 105 | 2015 |
Artificial selection on relative brain size reveals a positive genetic correlation between brain size and proactive personality in the guppy A Kotrschal, EJP Lievens, J Dahlbom, A Bundsen, S Semenova, ... Evolution 68 (4), 1139-1149, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
Wild populations of a reef fish suffer from the “nondestructive” aquarium trade fishery N Kolm, A Berglund Conservation Biology 17 (3), 910-914, 2003 | 102 | 2003 |