Francois Bottin
ABINIT: First-principles approach to material and nanosystem properties
X Gonze, B Amadon, PM Anglade, JM Beuken, F Bottin, P Boulanger, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (12), 2582-2615, 2009
Implementation of the projector augmented-wave method in the ABINIT code: Application to the study of iron under pressure
M Torrent, F Jollet, F Bottin, G Zérah, X Gonze
Computational Materials Science 42 (2), 337-351, 2008
The ABINIT project: Impact, environment and recent developments
X Gonze, B Amadon, G Antonius, F Arnardi, L Baguet, JM Beuken, ...
Computer Physics Communications 248, 107042, 2020
Structural, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of plutonium oxides from first principles
G Jomard, B Amadon, F Bottin, M Torrent
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (7), 075125, 2008
ABINIT: Overview and focus on selected capabilities
AH Romero, DC Allan, B Amadon, G Antonius, T Applencourt, L Baguet, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (12), 2020
Large-scale ab initio calculations based on three levels of parallelization
F Bottin, S Leroux, A Knyazev, G Zérah
Computational Materials Science 42 (2), 329-336, 2008
Stability and electronic structure of the polar surfaces by first-principles calculations
F Bottin, F Finocchi, C Noguera
Physical Review B 68 (3), 035418, 2003
Melting curve of aluminum up to 300 GPa obtained through ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
J Bouchet, F Bottin, G Jomard, G Zérah
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (9), 094102, 2009
High pressure-temperature phase diagram and equation of state of titanium
A Dewaele, V Stutzmann, J Bouchet, F Bottin, F Occelli, M Mezouar
Physical Review B 91 (13), 134108, 2015
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of dense boron plasmas up to the semiclassical Thomas-Fermi regime
S Mazevet, F Lambert, F Bottin, G Zérah, J Clérouin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (5 …, 2007
Thermodynamics of hydration and oxidation in the proton conductor Gd-doped barium cerate from density functional theory calculations
J Hermet, F Bottin, G Dezanneau, G Geneste
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (20), 205137, 2012
High-temperature and high-pressure phase transitions in uranium
J Bouchet, F Bottin
Physical Review B 95 (5), 054113, 2017
Formation enthalpies of monovacancies in aluminum and gold under the condition of intense laser irradiation
F Bottin, G Zérah
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (17), 174114, 2007
Strong isotope effect in phase II of dense solid hydrogen and deuterium
G Geneste, M Torrent, F Bottin, P Loubeyre
Physical Review Letters 109 (15), 155303, 2012
Hydrogen diffusion in the protonic conductor BaCeGdO from density functional theory
J Hermet, M Torrent, F Bottin, G Dezanneau, G Geneste
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (10), 104303, 2013
Thermodynamic stability of PuO surfaces: Influence of electronic correlations
G Jomard, F Bottin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195469, 2011
High-pressure melting curve of titanium
V Stutzmann, A Dewaele, J Bouchet, F Bottin, M Mezouar
Physical Review B 92 (22), 224110, 2015
Ab initio calculations of the B1-B2 phase transition in MgO
J Bouchet, F Bottin, V Recoules, F Remus, G Morard, RM Bolis, ...
Physical Review B 99 (9), 094113, 2019
Thermal evolution of vibrational properties of -U
J Bouchet, F Bottin
Physical Review B 92 (17), 174108, 2015
Water adsorption and dissociation on the PuO2 (1 1 0) surface
G Jomard, F Bottin, G Geneste
Journal of Nuclear Materials 451 (1-3), 28-34, 2014
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