Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva
University of Aveiro, Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences
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Tactical urbanism: Towards an evolutionary cities’ approach?
P Silva
Environment and Planning B: Planning and design 43 (6), 1040-1051, 2016
Bibliometric analysis of PPP and PFI literature: Overview of 25 years of research
D de Castro e Silva Neto, CO Cruz, F Rodrigues, P Silva
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 142 (10), 06016002, 2016
Enzyme immunoassay for the diagnosis of brucellosis: chimeric protein A–protein G as a common enzyme labeled detection reagent for sera for different animal species
K Nielsen, P Smith, W Yu, P Nicoletti, P Elzer, A Vigliocco, P Silva, ...
Veterinary microbiology 101 (2), 123-129, 2004
Lessons from informal settlements: A ‘peripheral’problem with self-organising solutions
P Silva, H Farrall
Town Planning Review 87 (3), 297-319, 2016
The transformation of wasted space in urban vertical gardens with the contribution of design to improving the quality of life.
MJ Félix, G Santos, A Barroso, P Silva
International Journal for Quality Research 12 (4), 2018
Adaptation of the urban codes–A story of placemaking in Jerusalem
Y Rosner-Manor, SG Borghini, B Boonstra, P Silva
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 47 (2), 251-267, 2020
Rough Lipopolysaccharide of Brucella abortus RB51 as a Common Antigen for Serological Detection of B. ovis, B. canis, and B. abortus RB51 Exposure Using …
K Nielsen, P Smith, S Conde, G Draghi de Benitez, D Gall, G Halbert, ...
Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 25 (2), 171-182, 2004
Para me conhecer, para te conhecer...: estratégias de educação sexual para o 1o e 2o ciclos do ensino básico
P Sanders, L Swinden, P Murray, C Fitzsimons, M Bárcia, P Silva
PPP development and governance in Latin America: analysis of Brazilian state PPP units
DCS Neto, CO Cruz, F Rodrigues, P Silva
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (2), 05020003, 2020
Privacy risk assessment and privacy-preserving data monitoring
P Silva, C Gonçalves, N Antunes, M Curado, B Walek
Expert Systems with Applications 200, 116867, 2022
Carbohydrate antigen 125 predicts pulmonary congestion in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
FJA Falcão, FRA Oliveira, F Cantarelli, R Cantarelli, P Brito-Júnior, ...
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 52 (12), e9124, 2019
From informal to formal: what can be learned from reviewing 50 years of Portuguese models, policies and politics
P Silva, H Farrall
Dynamics and Resilience of Informal Areas: International Perspectives, 25-42, 2016
Designing urban rules from emergent patterns: co-evolving paths of informal and formal urban systems-the case of Portugal
P Silva
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 158 (1), 012001, 2018
Acerca dos Valores no Desporto, Acerca do futuro
P Queirós, P Gomes, P Silva
Vários, Actividade Física, Saúde e Lazer-Modelo de Análise de Intervenção …, 2008
Percepción de la comunicación interna y su influencia en la satisfacción laboral de los docentes de la institución educativa Ignacio Merino de Talara, año 2016
P Silva
Trujillo: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, 2017
Discriminant effect of morphology and range of attack on the performance level of volleyball players Rev Bras Cineamtropom 2
BG Araujo, S Araujo, H Ferreira, P Silva, V Machado
Desempenho Hum 13 (3), 223-229, 2011
Área Metropolitana de Lisboa: descontinuidades, desenho e planeamento
P Silva
PhD Thesis in environmental applied sciences by the University of Aveiro …, 2010
Experiencia en el tratamiento endovascular del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo en un centro chileno
P Reyes, L Badilla, D Andreu, V Besa, R Rivera, G Sordo, G Bustamante, ...
Revista médica de Chile 146 (6), 708-716, 2018
Influencia de la apariencia de las mamas en la calidad de vida: diferencias entre población preoperatoria de mamoplastia de reducción y población control
S Danilla, P Cuevas, E Calderón, JI Vergara, F Soto, C Erazo, S Benítez, ...
Revista chilena de cirugía 66 (2), 142-145, 2014
Computational modelling of a wearable ankle-foot orthosis for locomotion analysis and comfort evaluation
P Silva
DEM. IST, UTL, 2012
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