Kate Porcheret
Kate Porcheret
在 nkvts.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Intrusive memories of trauma: A target for research bridging cognitive science and its clinical application
L Iyadurai, RM Visser, A Lau-Zhu, K Porcheret, A Horsch, EA Holmes, ...
Clinical psychology review 69, 67-82, 2019
Insomnia, nightmares, and chronotype as markers of risk for severe mental illness: results from a student population
B Sheaves, K Porcheret, A Tsanas, CA Espie, RG Foster, D Freeman, ...
Sleep 39 (1), 173-181, 2016
Sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances: multiple genes and multiple phenotypes
K Wulff, K Porcheret, E Cussans, RG Foster
Current opinion in genetics & development 19 (3), 237-246, 2009
Psychological effect of an analogue traumatic event reduced by sleep deprivation
K Porcheret, EA Holmes, GM Goodwin, RG Foster, K Wulff
Sleep 38 (7), 1017-1025, 2015
Chronotype and environmental light exposure in a student population
K Porcheret, L Wald, L Fritschi, M Gerkema, M Gordijn, M Merrrow, ...
Chronobiology international 35 (10), 1365-1374, 2018
Validation of ‘Somnivore’, a machine learning algorithm for automated scoring and analysis of polysomnography data
G Allocca, S Ma, D Martelli, M Cerri, F Del Vecchio, S Bastianini, G Zoccoli, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 207, 2019
Sleep and intrusive memories immediately after a traumatic event in emergency department patients
K Porcheret, L Iyadurai, MB Bonsall, GM Goodwin, SA Beer, M Darwent, ...
Sleep 43 (8), zsaa033, 2020
Intrusive memories of trauma in the laboratory: Methodological developments and future directions
A Lau-Zhu, EA Holmes, K Porcheret
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports 5, 61-71, 2018
Investigation of the impact of total sleep deprivation at home on the number of intrusive memories to an analogue trauma
K Porcheret, D van Heugten–van der Kloet, GM Goodwin, RG Foster, ...
Translational Psychiatry 9 (1), 104, 2019
The interaction between subclinical psychotic experiences, insomnia and objective measures of sleep
J Cosgrave, R Haines, D van Heugten-van der Kloet, R Purple, ...
Schizophrenia Research 193, 204-208, 2018
The impact of sleep loss on performance monitoring and error-monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JM Boardman, K Porcheret, JW Clark, T Andrillon, AWT Cai, C Anderson, ...
Sleep Medicine Reviews 58, 101490, 2021
Improving mental health and physiological stress responses in mothers following traumatic childbirth and in their infants: study protocol for the Swiss TrAumatic biRth Trial …
V Sandoz, C Deforges, S Stuijfzand, M Epiney, Y Vial, N Sekarski, ...
BMJ open 9 (12), e032469, 2019
Do environmental risk factors for the development of psychosis distribute differently across dimensionally assessed psychotic experiences?
J Cosgrave, RJ Purple, R Haines, K Porcheret, ...
Translational psychiatry 11 (1), 226, 2021
Sleep-related memory consolidation in the psychosis spectrum phenotype
RJ Purple, J Cosgrave, V Vyazovskiy, RG Foster, K Porcheret, K Wulff
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 174, 107273, 2020
Insomnia in survivors 8.5 years after the Utøya Island terrorist attack: transition from late adolescence to early adulthood-the Utøya study
K Porcheret, SØ Stensland, T Wentzel-Larsen, G Dyb
European journal of psychotraumatology 13 (1), 2020472, 2022
To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question: A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of post-trauma sleep on intrusive memories of analog trauma
SK Schäfer, CC Lüder, K Porcheret, X Hu, J Margraf, T Michael, ...
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 104359, 2023
Phenotypic divergence in sleep and circadian cycles linked by affective state and environmental risk related to psychosis
RJ Purple, J Cosgrave, I Alexander, B Middleton, RG Foster, K Porcheret, ...
Sleep 46 (3), zsac311, 2023
Intrusive memories of an analogue traumatic event reduced with prolonged wakefulness
K Porcheret, D Van Heugten, G Goodwin, R Foster, K Wulff, E Holmes
23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 2016
Prevalence of insomnia in a general adult population cohort using different diagnostic criteria: The seventh survey of the Tromsø Study 2015–2016
K Porcheret, LA Hopstock, KB Nilsen
Sleep Medicine 119, 289-295, 2024
Prevalence and potency of trauma reminders 8.5 years after a terrorist attack
KA Glad, K Porcheret, G Dyb
European journal of psychotraumatology 14 (2), 2251774, 2023
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