Baptiste Sadoughi
Baptiste Sadoughi
Postdoctoral researcher
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Quantifying within-group variation in sociality—covariation among metrics and patterns across primate groups and species
O Schülke, S Anzà, C Crockford, D De Moor, T Deschner, C Fichtel, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76 (4), 50, 2022
Aging gut microbiota of wild macaques are equally diverse, less stable, but progressively personalized
B Sadoughi, D Schneider, R Daniel, O Schülke, J Ostner
Microbiome 10 (1), 95, 2022
Non-invasive assessment of metabolic responses to food restriction using urinary triiodothyronine and cortisol measurement in macaques
B Sadoughi, C Girard-Buttoz, A Engelhardt, M Heistermann, J Ostner
General and Comparative Endocrinology 306, 113736, 2021
Effects of social tolerance on stress: hair cortisol concentrations in the tolerant Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) and the despotic long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis)
B Sadoughi, L Lacroix, C Berbesque, H Meunier, J Lehmann
Stress 24 (6), 1033-1041, 2021
Individual differences in co-representation in three monkey species (Callithrix jacchus, Sapajus apella and Macaca tonkeana) in the joint Simon task: the role of …
FM Miss, B Sadoughi, H Meunier, JM Burkart
Animal Cognition 25 (6), 1399-1415, 2022
Parasites in a social world: Lessons from primates
B Sadoughi, S Anzà, C Defolie, V Manin, N Müller-Klein, T Murillo, ...
Animal behavior and parasitism, 35-52, 2022
Assessing the reliability of an automated method for measuring dominance hierarchy in non-human primates
S Ballesta, B Sadoughi, F Miss, J Whitehouse, G Aguenounon, H Meunier
Primates 62, 595-607, 2021
Surgical management of a strangulated inguinal hernia in a Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis): A case report with discussion of diagnosis, and review of literature
B Sadoughi, M Dirheimer, P Regnard, F Wanert
Revue de primatologie, 2018
Les orangs-outans aiment-ils peindre? Étude préliminaire des variations du stress en captivité par dosage du cortisol et observation comportementale lors de l'enrichissement du …
B Sadoughi, V Narat, M Debuigne, M Saint Jalme, S Krief
Revue de primatologie, 2015
Social network shrinking is explained by active and passive effects but not increasing selectivity with age in wild macaques
B Sadoughi, R Mundry, O Schülke, J Ostner
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291 (2018), 20232736, 2024
Animal Behavior and Parasitism
B Sadoughi, S Anzà, C Defolie, V Manin, N Müller-Klein, T Murillo, ...
Animal Behavior and Parasitism, 2022
The manifestations and interdependence of social and physiological aging in wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
B Sadoughi
Wild macaque gut microbiota lends insight into effects of age on the human gut microbiome
B Sadoughi, D Schneider, R Daniel, O Schülke, J Ostner
Etude de l'impact du rang hiérarchique et de la stabilité du rang sur le stress, l'inflammation et l'allostasie chez le macaque en captivité: comparaison de Macaca tonkeana et …
B Sadoughi
Mise au point d'un protocole d'évaluation du stress chez les primates captifs et sauvages
M Debuigne, V Narat, B Sadoughi, M Saint Jalme, S Krief
Revue de primatologie, 2015
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