Vendula Belackova
Vendula Belackova
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Výroční zpráva o stavu ve věcech drog v České republice v roce 2003
V Mravčík, B Korčišová, P Lejčková, L Miovská, E Škrdlantová, O Petroš, ...
Praha: Úřad vlády České republiky, 2004
“A friend with weed is a friend indeed” understanding the relationship between friendship identity and market relations among Marijuana users
V Belackova, CA Vaccaro
Journal of drug issues 43 (3), 289-313, 2013
Qualitative research in Spanish cannabis social clubs:“The moment you enter the door, you are minimising the risks”
V Belackova, A Tomkova, T Zabransky
International Journal of Drug Policy 34, 49-57, 2016
Monitoring quality and coverage of harm reduction services for people who use drugs: a consensus study
L Wiessing, M Ferri, V Běláčková, P Carrieri, SR Friedman, C Folch, ...
Harm reduction journal 14, 1-14, 2017
Consumer agency in cannabis supply–exploring auto-regulatory documents of the cannabis social clubs in Spain
V Belackova, C Wilkins
International Journal of Drug Policy 54, 26-34, 2018
Online test purchased new psychoactive substances in 5 different European countries: A snapshot study of chemical composition and price
TM Brunt, AM Atkinson, T Nefau, M Martinez, E Lahaie, A Malzcewski, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 44, 105-114, 2017
“Should I Buy or Should I Grow?” How drug policy institutions and drug market transaction costs shape the decision to self-supply with cannabis in the Netherlands and the Czech …
V Belackova, N Maalsté, T Zabransky, JP Grund
International journal of drug policy 26 (3), 296-310, 2015
Assessing the concordance between illicit drug laws on the books and drug law enforcement: comparison of three states on the continuum from “decriminalised” to “punitive”
V Belackova, A Ritter, M Shanahan, CE Hughes
International Journal of Drug Policy 41, 148-157, 2017
Drug consumption rooms: A systematic review of evaluation methodologies
V Belackova, AM Salmon, CA Day, A Ritter, M Shanahan, D Hedrich, ...
Drug and Alcohol Review 38 (4), 406-422, 2019
The burgeoning recognition and accommodation of the social supply of drugs in international criminal justice systems: An eleven-nation comparative overview
R Coomber, L Moyle, V Belackova, T Decorte, P Hakkarainen, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 58, 93-103, 2018
Supervised injectable opioid treatment for the management of opioid dependence
J Bell, V Belackova, N Lintzeris
Drugs 78 (13), 1339-1352, 2018
Společenské náklady užívání alkoholu, tabáku a nelegálních drog v ČR v roce 2007
T Zábranský, V Běláčková, M Štefunková, J Vopravil, M Langrová
Praha: Centrum adiktologie, Psychiatricka klinika 1, 2011
‘Selling by drugs’: Content analysis of the coverage of illicit drugs in different news media types and formats
V Belackova, L Stastna, M Miovský
Drugs: education, prevention and policy 18 (6), 477-489, 2011
Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) as a setting to address hepatitis C–findings from an international online survey
V Belackova, AM Salmon, E Schatz, M Jauncey
Hepatology, medicine and policy 3, 1-11, 2018
Academic education in addictology (addiction science) in the Czech Republic: Analysis of the (pre-1989) historical origins
M Miovsky, P Miller, JPC Grund, V Belackova, R Gabrhelik, J Libra
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 32 (5), 527-538, 2015
Overview of international literature: Supervised injecting facilities and drug consumption rooms
V Belackova, AM Salmon
Sydney: Uniting Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, 2017
Overview of “home” cultivation policies and the case for community-based cannabis supply
V Belackova, M Roubalova, K van De Ven
International Journal of Drug Policy 71, 36-46, 2019
Celopopulační studie užívání návykových látek a postojů k němu v České republice v roce 2008
V BĚLÁČKOVÁ, B Nechanská, P Chomynová, M Horáková
Výzkumná zpráva úřadu vlády ČR v r, 2012
Mapping regulatory models for medicinal cannabis: a matrix of options
V Belackova, M Shanahan, A Ritter
Australian Health Review 42 (4), 403-411, 2017
Interpreting the Czech drug decriminalization: The glass is half full–Response to Cerveny, J., Chomynova, P., Mravcik, V., & van Ours, JC (2017). Cannabis decriminalization and …
V Belackova, M Stefunkova
International Journal of Drug Policy 52, 102-105, 2018
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