Federico Alejandro Geser
Federico Alejandro Geser
Paul Scherrer Institute - Villigen, Switzerland
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Assessment of secondary neutrons in particle therapy by Monte Carlo simulations
J Vedelago, FA Geser, ID Munoz, A Stabilini, EG Yukihara, O Jäkel
Physics in Medicine & Biology 67 (1), 015008, 2022
Analytical approach to the reaction cross section of the fusion of protons with boron isotopes aimed at cancer therapy
FA Geser, M Valente
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 151, 96-101, 2019
Assessment of FLUKA, PENELOPE and MCNP6 Monte Carlo codes for estimating gold fluorescence applied to the detection of gold-infused tumoral volumes
MV F Malano, F Mattea, FA Geser, P Pérez, D Barraco, M Santibáñez, R Figueroa
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2019
Characterization of the VARIAN®PaxScan 2020+ flat panel detector for quantitative X‐ray imaging
FA Geser, D Chacón, R Figueroa, F Malano, M Santibañez, M Valente
X‐Ray Spectrometry 45 (3), 169-175, 2016
A theoretical model for the cross section of the proton-boron fusion nuclear reaction
FA Geser, M Valente
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 167, 2019
Procedure for characterization and validation of commercial clearance monitors using Monte Carlo simulations
FA Geser, D Werthmüller, MM Kasprzak, EG Yukihara, S Mayer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2022
A framework for e+e- annihilation detection using nano-particles for tumour targeting in radiotherapy
FA Geser, A Leiva-Genre, R Figueroa, M Vásquez, F Malano, F Mattea, ...
IOPJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1043 (1), 2018
A Monte Carlo study on the secondary neutron generation by oxygen ion beams for radiotherapy and its comparison to lighter ions
FA Geser, A Stabilini, JB Christensen, ID Muñoz, EG Yukihara, O Jäkel, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 69 (1), 015027, 2024
Recent developments at the Calibration Laboratory for radiation protection instruments and dosemeters of the Paul Scherrer Institute
M Kasprzak, FA Geser, M Sliz, E Yukihara, S Mayer
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 199 (15-16), 1710-1715, 2023
Monte Carlo study of a convergent X-ray beam for high resolution X-ray fluorescence imaging
R Figueroa, F Geser, J López-Correa, F Malano, M Valente
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 170, 109610, 2021
Analytical proposal for the assessment of the molecular excitation levels contribution to the mean excitation energy: Application to the water molecule
FA Geser, M Valente
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 168, 109533, 2021
Beta-Minus Emitters Dose Point Kernel Estimation Model Comprising Different Tissues for Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry Applications
P Pérez, FA Geser, I Scarinci, F Malano, M Valente
Dark matter description by non-conventional energy-momentum tensors
OM Moreschi, E Boero, E Gallo, FA Geser
AIP Conference Proceedings 1647 (1), 35-43, 2015
Caracterización dosimétrica y monitoreo in situ para hadronterapia
FA Geser
Overview and current challenges at the Calibration Laboratory of the Paul Scherrer Institute
MM Kasprzak, G Butterweck, FA Geser, A Stabilini, M Sliz, EG Yukihara, ...
Radiation Measurements 177, 107273, 2024
Mass dependence of the sensitivity factors in the efficiency calibration of clearance monitors
FA Geser, MU Sliz, MM Kasprzak, EG Yukihara, S Mayer
Radiation Measurements, 107184, 2024
Comparison of optimization techniques for the Monte Carlo simulation of clearance monitors
FA Geser, MM Kasprzak, S Mayer
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 199 (15-16), 1720-1724, 2023
Técnica analítica para la evaluación de la contribución a la energía media de excitación del agua líquida debido a los niveles de excitación moleculares
FA Geser, M Valente
ANALES AFA 31 (4), 157-164, 2021
Charged particles energy loss in matter: The multiple theories of the stopping power.
FA Geser
Métricas del espaciotiempo representando masa, estimada dinámicamente, y materia oscura
FA Geser
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