Bianca Possamai
Temporal variability (1997-2015) of trophic fish guilds and its relationships with El Niño events in a subtropical estuary
B Possamai, JP Vieira, AM Grimm, AM Garcia
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 202, 145-154, 2018
Freshwater inflow variability affects the relative importance of allochthonous sources for estuarine fishes
B Possamai, DJ Hoeinghaus, C Odebrecht, PC Abreu, LE Moraes, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 43, 880-893, 2020
Shifting baselines: Integrating ecological and isotopic time lags improves trophic position estimates in aquatic consumers
B Possamai, DJ Hoeinghaus, AM Garcia
Marine Ecology Progress Series 666, 19-30, 2021
Using mariculture as a breeding site: reproduction of Hypleurochilus fissicornis (Actinopterygii: Blenniidae)
B Possamai, LF Fávaro
Scientia Marina 79 (3), 335-343, 2015
Trophic niches and diet shifts of juvenile mullet species coexisting in marine and estuarine habitats
SR Vollrath, B Possamai, F Schneck, DJ Hoeinghaus, EF Albertoni, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 101 (2 …, 2021
Seasonal and El Niño Southern Oscillation-driven variations in isotopic and elemental patterns among estuarine primary producers: implications for ecological studies
M Lanari, B Possamai, M da Silva Copertino, A Miranda Garcia
Hydrobiologia 848, 593-611, 2021
Length–weight relationships comparison between juveniles and adults of fish species from the mangroves of south Brazil
B Possamai, AC dos Passos, BM de Carvalho
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences 42, 1-6, 2020
Length–weight relationships for estuarine fishes in South Brazil
B Possamai, D Zanlorenzi, RC Machado, LF Fávaro
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35 (2), 608-613, 2019
Environmental factors drive interannual variation in estuarine food-chain length
B Possamai, DJ Hoeinghaus, AM Garcia
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 252, 107241, 2021
Seletividade de armadilhas e atrativos na captura de pequenos peixes e crustáceos em ambientes estuarinos
B Possamai, LC da Rosa, MFM Corrêa
Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology 18 (2), 11-17, 2014
Development of a conceptual framework for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Mexican Caribbean
A Sánchez-Quinto, JC Costa, NS Zamboni, FHC Sanches, SC Principe, ...
Biota Neotropica 20 (suppl 1), e20190901, 2020
Complex interactions of ENSO and local conditions buffer the poleward shift of migratory fish in a subtropical seascape
SR Vollrath, SE Tanner, P Reis-Santos, B Possamai, AM Grimm, ...
Science of The Total Environment 896, 165129, 2023
Synergistic climatic and anthropogenic effects on marine species turnover in estuarine waters
B Possamai, SR Vollrath, JP Vieira, AM Garcia
Science of The Total Environment 908, 168324, 2024
Contrasting energy pathways suggest differing susceptibility of pelagic fishes to an invasive ecosystem engineer in a large lake system
A Chiapella, B Possamai, JE Marsden, MJ Kainz, JD Stockwell
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 1061636, 2023
Categorizing estuarine fish assemblages in the Warm Temperate Southwestern Atlantic Province: The case of Patos Lagoon Estuary, Brazil
ACG Mai, B Possamai
Regional Studies in Marine Science 54, 102482, 2022
Spatial analysis of mercury and stable isotopes in the vulnerable Dusky Grouper Epinephelus marginatus along the Brazilian coast
MV Condini, CR Malinowski, DJ Hoeinghaus, BL Harried, AP Roberts, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 187, 114526, 2023
Diet composition and trophic plasticity of the Argentine menhaden Brevoortia pectinata in a southwestern Atlantic estuary
CD Monks, B Possamai, AM Garcia
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 62 (doi: 10.21411/CBM.A.FF667C61), 345-355, 2021
El Niño Effects and Biological Parameter Comparisons of an Estuarine Resident Fish Occurring in the Sea
E Belarmino, GX Perazzo, B Possamai, JP Vieira, AM Garcia
Estuaries and Coasts 47 (2), 460-472, 2024
Dataset on the isotopic (ẟ13C, ẟ15N) and elemental (C, N) composition of estuarine primary producers in the subtropical Southwestern Atlantic coast
M Lanari, B Possamai, M Copertino, AM Garcia
Latin American Data in Science 1 (1), 8-15, 2021
Seasonal and ontogenetic changes in the diet of blenny Hypleurochilus fissicornis: An estuarine mariculture as a model of the reef environment
B Possamai, LF Fávaro
Marine Ecology 40 (2), e12542, 2019
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