Joshua Skewes
Extreme rituals promote prosociality
D Xygalatas, P Mitkidis, R Fischer, P Reddish, J Skewes, AW Geertz, ...
Psychological science 24 (8), 1602-1605, 2013
Long-term meditation is associated with increased gray matter density in the brain stem
P Vestergaard-Poulsen, M van Beek, J Skewes, CR Bjarkam, ...
Neuroreport 20 (2), 170-174, 2009
Continuous theta-burst stimulation demonstrates a causal role of premotor homunculus in action understanding
J Michael, K Sandberg, J Skewes, T Wolf, J Blicher, M Overgaard, ...
Psychological Science 25 (4), 963-972, 2014
Intact brain processing of musical emotions in autism spectrum disorder, but more cognitive load and arousal in happy vs. sad music
L Gebauer, J Skewes, G Westphael, P Heaton, P Vuust
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 88483, 2014
Perceptual inference and autistic traits
JC Skewes, EM Jegindø, L Gebauer
Autism 19 (3), 301-307, 2015
Expectations contribute to reduced pain levels during prayer in highly religious participants
EME Jegindø, L Vase, JC Skewes, AJ Terkelsen, J Hansen, AW Geertz, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 36, 413-426, 2013
What if I get busted? Deception, choice, and decision-making in social interaction
KE Sip, JC Skewes, JL Marchant, WB McGregor, A Roepstorff, CD Frith
Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, 58, 2012
Dopaminergic stimulation enhances confidence and accuracy in seeing rapidly presented words
HC Lou, JC Skewes, KR Thomsen, M Overgaard, HC Lau, K Mouridsen, ...
Journal of vision 11 (2), 15-15, 2011
Atypical perception of affective prosody in Autism Spectrum Disorder
L Gebauer, J Skewes, L Hørlyck, P Vuust
NeuroImage: Clinical 6, 370-378, 2014
Synchronised and complementary coordination mechanisms in an asymmetric joint aiming task
JC Skewes, L Skewes, J Michael, I Konvalinka
Experimental brain research 233 (2), 551-565, 2015
Brief report: Suboptimal auditory localization in autism spectrum disorder: Support for the Bayesian account of sensory symptoms
JC Skewes, L Gebauer
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 2539-2547, 2016
Bio-agency and the problem of action
JC Skewes, CA Hooker
Biology & Philosophy 24, 283-300, 2009
Reduced pain sensation and reduced BOLD signal in parietofrontal networks during religious prayer
EM Elmholdt, J Skewes, M Dietz, A Møller, MS Jensen, A Roepstorff, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11, 337, 2017
Typical pain experience but underestimation of others’ pain: Emotion perception in self and others in autism spectrum disorder
H Thaler, JC Skewes, L Gebauer, P Christensen, KM Prkachin, ...
Autism 22 (6), 751-762, 2018
Seeing it both ways: Using a double-cuing task to investigate the role of spatial cuing in Level-1 visual perspective-taking.
J Michael, T Wolf, C Letesson, S Butterfill, J Skewes, J Hohwy
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (5), 693, 2018
What’s so critical about Critical Neuroscience? Rethinking experiment, enacting critique
D Fitzgerald, S Matusall, J Skewes, A Roepstorff
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 365, 2014
How the brain responds to the destruction of money.
C Becchio, J Skewes, TE Lund, U Frith, C Frith, A Roepstorff
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 4 (1), 1, 2011
Attitudes to sexism and gender equity at a Danish university
L Skewes, JC Skewes, MK Ryan
Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 71-85, 2019
Social robotics and the modulation of social perception and bias
J Skewes, DM Amodio, J Seibt
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1771), 20180037, 2019
Skull-bound perception and precision optimization through culture
B Paton, J Skewes, C Frith, J Hohwy
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