miao aimin
miao aimin
PhD candidate, Control Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University
在 zju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Time neighborhood preserving embedding model and its application for fault detection
A Miao, Z Ge, Z Song, L Zhou
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (38), 13717-13729, 2013
Recognition of early blight and late blight diseases on potato leaves based on graph cut segmentation
C Hou, J Zhuang, Y Tang, Y He, A Miao, H Huang, S Luo
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 5, 100154, 2021
Probabilistic latent variable regression model for process-quality monitoring
L Zhou, J Chen, Z Song, Z Ge, A Miao
Chemical Engineering Science 116, 296-305, 2014
Improved dynamic kernel principal component analysis for fault detection
Q Zhang, P Li, X Lang, A Miao
Measurement 158, 107738, 2020
Nonlocal structure constrained neighborhood preserving embedding model and its application for fault detection
A Miao, Z Ge, Z Song, F Shen
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 142, 184-196, 2015
Hyperspectral image-based variety classification of waxy maize seeds by the t-SNE model and procrustes analysis
A Miao, J Zhuang, Y Tang, Y He, X Chu, S Luo
Sensors 18 (12), 4391, 2018
Prediction of sweet corn seed germination based on hyperspectral image technology and multivariate data regression
H Cui, Z Cheng, P Li, A Miao
Sensors 20 (17), 4744, 2020
Apple bruise grading using piecewise nonlinear curve fitting for hyperspectral imaging data
Y Tang, S Gao, J Zhuang, C Hou, Y He, X Chu, A Miao, S Luo
Ieee Access 8, 147494-147506, 2020
Assessment of external properties for identifying banana fruit maturity stages using optical imaging techniques
J Zhuang, C Hou, Y Tang, Y He, Q Guo, A Miao, Z Zhong, S Luo
Sensors 19 (13), 2910, 2019
Rayleigh-maximum-likelihood bilateral filter for ultrasound image enhancement
H Li, J Wu, A Miao, P Yu, J Chen, Y Zhang
Biomedical engineering online 16, 1-22, 2017
Real-time optimization of gold cyanidation leaching process in a two-layer control architecture integrating self-optimizing control and modifier adaptation
L Ye, A Miao, H Zhang
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56 (14), 4002-4016, 2017
Nonlinear fault detection based on locally linear embedding
A Miao, Z Song, Z Ge, L Zhou, Q Wen
Journal of Control Theory and Applications 11 (4), 615-622, 2013
A modified particle swarm optimizer with dynamical inertia weight
A Miao, X Shi, J Zhang, E Wang, S Peng
Fuzzy Information and Engineering Volume 2, 767-776, 2009
Recognition of blood cell images based on color fuzzy clustering
E Wang, Z Gou, A Miao, S Peng, Z Niu, X Shi
Fuzzy Information and Engineering Volume 2, 69-75, 2009
Online process monitoring and fault-detection approach based on adaptive neighborhood preserving embedding
L Tan, P Li, A Miao, Y Chen
Measurement and Control 52 (5-6), 387-398, 2019
Process monitoring based on generalized orthogonal neighborhood preserving embedding
A Miao, Z Song, Q Wen, Z Ge
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (15), 148-153, 2012
A novel ellipsoidal semisupervised extreme learning machine algorithm and its application in wind turbine blade icing fault detection
R Tong, P Li, L Gao, X Lang, A Miao, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-16, 2022
Locality preserving based data regression and its application for soft sensor modelling
A Miao, P Li, L Ye
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 94 (10), 1977-1986, 2016
Cable joint fault detection for the ring main unit based on an adaptive TNPE algorithm
L Tan, P Li, F Tao, A Miao, M Cao
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 10 (1 …, 2020
An improved Fisher discriminant analysis algorithm based on Procrustes analysis for adaptive fault recognition
A Miao, F Tao, P Li, W Ren, Q Guo
Measurement and Control 52 (7-8), 1063-1071, 2019
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