Tessa L. Dover
Tessa L. Dover
Associate Professor, Applied Social Psychology, Portland State University
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Presumed fair: ironic effects of organizational diversity structures.
CR Kaiser, B Major, I Jurcevic, TL Dover, LM Brady, JR Shapiro
Journal of personality and social psychology 104 (3), 504, 2013
Members of high-status groups are threatened by pro-diversity organizational messages
TL Dover, B Major, CR Kaiser
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 62, 58-67, 2016
Assimilation, multiculturalism, and colorblindness: Mediated and moderated relationships between social dominance orientation and prejudice
S Levin, M Matthews, S Guimond, J Sidanius, F Pratto, N Kteily, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (1), 207-212, 2012
Mixed signals: The unintended effects of diversity initiatives
TL Dover, CR Kaiser, B Major
Social Issues and Policy Review 14 (1), 152-181, 2020
Attributions to discrimination: Antecedents and consequences
B Major, TL Dover
Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination, 213-239, 2015
Taking the black pill: An empirical analysis of the “Incel”.
AM Glace, TL Dover, JG Zatkin
Psychology of Men & Masculinities 22 (2), 288, 2021
Diversity initiatives, status, and system-justifying beliefs: When and how diversity efforts de-legitimize discrimination claims
TL Dover, B Major, CR Kaiser
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17 (4), 485-493, 2014
Diversity policies rarely make companies fairer, and they feel threatening to white men
TL Dover, B Major, CR Kaiser
Harvard business review 4, 2016
Diversity initiatives and White Americans’ perceptions of racial victimhood
CR Kaiser, TL Dover, P Small, G Xia, LM Brady, B Major
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 48 (6), 968-984, 2022
Does unfairness feel different if it can be linked to group membership? Cognitive, affective, behavioral and physiological implications of discrimination and unfairness
TL Dover, B Major, JW Kunstman, PJ Sawyer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 96-103, 2015
Anticipated and experienced ethnic/racial discrimination and sleep: a longitudinal study
AM Gordon, AA Prather, T Dover, K Espino-Pérez, P Small, B Major
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (12), 1724-1735, 2020
Mixed signals: The unintended effects of diversity initiatives. Social Issues and Policy Review, 14 (1), 152–181
TL Dover, CR Kaiser, B Major
Retrieved 2023-12-20, from https://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/abs/10.1111 …, 2020
Discrimination, health, and the costs and benefits of believing in system fairness.
TL Dover, B Major, AM Glace
Health Psychology 39 (3), 230, 2020
Cardiovascular, behavioral, and psychological responses to organizational prodiversity messages among racial/ethnic minorities
TL Dover, B Major, CR Kaiser
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (8), 1241-1261, 2021
Latinx identity and intersectional responses to stigma.
AM Glace, TL Dover, B Major
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 27 (4), 593, 2021
Not all inequalities are created equal: Inequality framing and privilege threat for advantaged groups
TL Dover
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25 (3), 746-767, 2022
Health consequences of prejudice and discrimination
TL Dover, JM Hunger, B Major
The Wiley encyclopedia of health psychology, 231-238, 2020
Just world beliefs, expert psychological testimony, and verdicts: A mediational model
TL Dover, M Matthews, DA Krauss, S Levin
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 12 (1), 340-363, 2012
Effects of discrimination versus self-blame attributions on health: A longitudinal study.
SH Feasel, TL Dover, PA Small, B Major
Stigma and Health 7 (3), 289, 2022
Sleep, emotions, and sense of belonging: A daily experience study
PE Harris, AM Gordon, TL Dover, PA Small, NL Collins, B Major
Affective Science 3 (2), 295-306, 2022
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