Satya Prakash
On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array
D Roemmich, MH Alford, H Claustre, K Johnson, B King, J Moum, P Oke, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 439, 2019
Is the Arabian Sea getting more productive?
S Prakash, R Ramesh
Current Science, 667-671, 2007
First direct measurements of N2 fixation during a Trichodesmium bloom in the eastern Arabian Sea
N Gandhi, A Singh, S Prakash, R Ramesh, M Raman, MS Sheshshayee, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (4), GB4014, 2011
Oxycline variability in the central Arabian Sea: An Argo-oxygen study
S Prakash, TM Nair, TVS Bhaskar, P Prakash, D Gilbert
Journal of Sea Research, 2012
Role of cyclonic eddy in enhancing primary and new production in the Bay of Bengal
A Singh, N Gandhi, R Ramesh, S Prakash
Journal of Sea Research 97, 5-13, 2015
Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in response to environmental variables in contrasting coastal ecosystems
S Srichandan, SK Baliarsingh, S Prakash, AA Lotliker, C Parida, KC Sahu
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 12025-12041, 2019
Is the trend in chlorophyll-a in the Arabian Sea decreasing?
P Prakash, S Prakash, H Rahaman, M Ravichandran, S Nayak
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (23), L23605, 2012
Quantification of new production during a winter Noctiluca scintillans bloom in the Arabian Sea
S Prakash, R Ramesh, MS Sheshshayee, RM Dwivedi, M Raman
Geophysical research letters 35 (8), 2008
Oxygen isotope and salinity variations in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
R Srivastava, R Ramesh, S Prakash, N Anilkumar, M Sudhakar
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (24), 2007
Annihilation of the Somali upwelling system during summer monsoon
A Chatterjee, BP Kumar, S Prakash, P Singh
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7598, 2019
Revisiting the Noctiluca scintillans paradox in northern Arabian Sea
S Prakash, R Roy, A Lotliker
Current Science, 1429-1434, 2017
Oceanographic preferences of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in warm stratified oceans: A remote sensing approach
K Nimit, NK Masuluri, AM Berger, RP Bright, S Prakash, U TVS, P Rohit, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (15), 5785-5805, 2020
Can oxycline depth be estimated using sea level anomaly (SLA) in the northern Indian Ocean?
S Prakash, P Prakash, M Ravichandran
Remote Sensing Letters 4 (11), 1097-1106, 2013
Particulate polyphosphate and alkaline phosphatase activity across a latitudinal transect in the tropical Indian Ocean
P Martin, FM Lauro, A Sarkar, N Goodkin, S Prakash, PN Vinayachandran
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (3), 1395-1406, 2018
Trends and relationship between chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature in the central equatorial Indian Ocean
GS Kumar, S Prakash, M Ravichandran, AC Narayana
Remote Sensing Letters 7 (11), 1093-1101, 2016
Autonomous profiling float observations reveal the dynamics of deep biomass distributions in the denitrifying oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea
B Wojtasiewicz, TW Trull, TVSU Bhaskar, M Gauns, S Prakash, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 207, 103103, 2020
Nitrogen uptake rates and f-ratios in the Equatorial and Southern Indian Ocean
S Prakash, R Ramesh, MS Sheshshayee, R Mohan, M Sudhakar
Current science, 239-245, 2015
Understanding iodine chemistry over the northern and equatorial Indian Ocean
AS Mahajan, L Tinel, A Sarkar, R Chance, LJ Carpenter, S Hulswar, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (14), 8104-8118, 2019
Nitrogen uptake rates and new production in the northern Indian Ocean
N Gandhi, S Prakash, R Ramesh, S Kumar
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2010
Dissolved strontium, Sr/Ca ratios, and the abundance of Acantharia in the Indian and Southern Oceans
Z Steiner, A Sarkar, S Prakash, PN Vinaychandran, AV Turchyn
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4 (6), 802-811, 2020
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