Dr Dhiraj Khalkho
Dr Dhiraj Khalkho
Chief Scientist/ Professor (Soil and Water Engineering), IGKV, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
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Delineation of suitable sites for groundwater recharge based on groundwater potential with RS, GIS, and AHP approach for Mand catchment of Mahanadi Basin
S Baghel, MP Tripathi, D Khalkho, N Al-Ansari, A Kumar, A Elbeltagi
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9860, 2023
Hydroponic systems for cultivation of horticultural crops: A review
RK Agrawal, MP Tripathi, A Verma, GL Sharma, D Khalkho
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9 (6), 2083-2086, 2020
An unsteady subsurface drainage equation incorporating variability of soil drainage properties
AK Pali, P Katre, D Khalkho
Water resources management 28, 2639-2653, 2014
Morphometric analysis of drainage basin using aerial photographs: a case of Karun watershed of Seonath sub-basin of Chhattisgarh
GK Nigam, MP Tripathi, SK Ambast, L Kumar, D Khalkho
Int J Adv Biotechnol Res 7, 623-629, 2017
Effective irrigation water management in Rabi Chilli for Bastar agro climatic zone
D Khalkho, RK Naik, AK Thakur, Y Bisen, AK Chandraker
Scientific Research and Essays 8 (48), 2332-2335, 2013
Spatial analysis of rainfall and rainy days in Chhattisgarh State, India
SK Bhuarya, JL Chaudhary, N Manikandan, D Khalkho
J. Agric. Phys 15, 140-149, 2015
Effect of different planting techniques on yield and yield attributing characters of medium duration rice variety under rainfed ecosystem
AK Thakur, D Khalkho, Y Bisen, RK Patel, CL Thakur
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 6 (10), 36-40, 2017
Site suitability analysis of water storage structures using remote sensing & GIS for a small watershed of Lormi block in Mungeli district, Chhattisgarh State
L Kumar, D Khalkho, VK Pandey, GK Nigam, B Yatnesh
International Journal of Advanced Biological Research 7 (3), 495-503, 2017
Morphometric analysis for prioritization of watershed using GIS technique
N Singh, P Tiwari, PK Guru, D Khalkho
International Journal of Agricultural Engineering 7 (1), 69-73, 2014
Morphometric analysis of a drainage basin using remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS)
S Verma, D Khalkho, LK Gupta
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 9 (4 …, 2020
Water resource management plan of a micro-watershed using geo-spatial techniques
M Patel, D Khalkho
Int J Curr Microbial Appl Sci 8 (2), 270-277, 2019
Morphometric analysis of Seonath river of Chhattisgarh using remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) Technique
GK Nigam, MP Tripathi, SK Ambast, L Kumar, D Khalkho
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 16 (3), 251-259, 2017
Studies on level of drip irrigation and suitability of used plastic material as mulch for growing rabi Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
S Kant, J Sinha, D Khalkho, VM Victor, ML Lakhera
Unpublished M. Tech thesis, Department of Soil and Water Engineering, SVCAET …, 2016
Remote Sensing and GIS based approach in morphometric analysis of thirteen sub-watersheds of Mand river catchment, Chhattisgarh
S Baghel, MP Tripathi, D Khalkho, A Kumar
Journal of soil and water conservation 20 (3), 269-278, 2021
Prioritization of critical areas on hydrological response unit level for sediment and nutrient loss control in a river basin of India
D Khalkho, MP Tripathi, S Patel, R Kumar, L Kumar, A Sagar, P Singh, ...
Morphometric Analysis for Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds of Mungeli Block Using a Remote Sensing GIS Technique
M Dhruw, D Khalkho
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 9, 823-831, 2020
Characterization and delineation of farming situations of Durg district
S Mandal, D Khalkho, MP Tripathi, L Kumar, SD Kushwaha
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (4), 2208-2214, 2018
Development of optimal crop plan for IGKV, farm Raipur, Chhattisgarh
NK Thakur, D Khalkho, P Katre, J Tonde
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (2), 172-176, 2018
Rainfall analysis based rice crop planning in Durg district of Chhattisgarh
AK Pali, H Thakur, D Khalkho
Ind. J. Soil Cons 44 (1), 30-36, 2016
Efficient natural resources management of Tahakapal Cluster villages using Geospatial Technologies
D Khalkho, SK Patil, S Patel, GP Pali
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 5 (Sep, 3), 319-325, 2014
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