Elprida Agustina
Elprida Agustina
Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung
在 itb.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Multi-scenario model of plastic waste accumulation potential in indonesia using integrated remote sensing, statistic and socio-demographic data
AD Sakti, AN Rinasti, E Agustina, H Diastomo, F Muhammad, Z Anna, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (7), 481, 2021
Municipal solid waste material flow in Bali Province, Indonesia
IMW Widyarsana, E Damanhuri, E Agustina
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 22, 405-415, 2020
Risk assessment and rehabilitation potential of municipal solid waste landfills in Bali Province, Indonesia
IMW Widyarsana, E Damanhuri, E Agustina, RN Aulia
GEOMATE Journal 17 (63), 164-171, 2019
Spatial prioritization for wildfire mitigation by integrating heterogeneous spatial data: A new multi-dimensional approach for tropical rainforests
AD Sakti, AI Fauzi, W Takeuchi, B Pradhan, M Yarime, C Vega-Garcia, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (3), 543, 2022
Waste management study in the archipelago tourism area (case study: Nusa Penida District, Bali Province, Indonesia)
IMW Widyarsana, E Agustina
E3S Web of Conferences 148, 05002, 2020
Developing data approaches for accumulation of plastic waste modelling using environment and socio-economic data product
AN Rinasti, AD Sakti, E Agustina, K Wikantika
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (1), 012013, 2020
Analisis Multikriteria dalam Pemilihan Sistem Pemrosesan Sampah di Kabupaten Klungkung, Provinsi Bali Multicriteria Analysis for Selecting Municipal Solid Waste Processing …
M Chaerul, E Agustina, IMW Widyarsana
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol 21 (2), 131-137, 2020
A Preliminary study: identification of stream waste quantity and composition in Bali Province
IMW Widyarsana, E Damanhuri, N Ulhusna, E Agustina
Indonesia. E3S Web of Conferenc es 148, 05005, 2020
A Preliminary Study: Identification of Stream Waste Quantity and Composition in Bali Province, Indonesia
IMW Widyarsana, E Damanhuri, N Ulhusna, E Agustina
E3S Web of Conferences 148, 05005, 2020
Evaluasi sistem pengelolaan sampah di kawasan perumahan di kota bandung
E Agustina, RS Gewe, IMW Widyarsana
J. Tek. Lingkung 26 (2), 88-102, 2020
Marine debris tracking from river discharge base on hydrodynamic simulation on Jakarta Bay
H Diastomo, MY Surya, AD Sakti, E Agustina
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 925 (1), 012005, 2021
Evaluation of formal waste reduction facility location compared to recyclable plastic waste generation in Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia
E Agustina, E Sembiring, AD Sakti
E3S Web of Conferences 485, 05008, 2024
Sustainable Leachate Treatment Plant System at Landfill Site: A Multicriteria Analysis Approach
M Chaerul, G Mauluddina, E Agustina, DA Nurdiani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1257 (1), 012011, 2023
Analisis Multikriteria Dalam Pemilihan Sistem Pemrosesan Sampah Di Kabupaten Klungkung, Provinsi Bali (Multicriteria Analysis for Selecting Waste Processing System in Klungkung …
M Chaerul, E Agustina, IMW Widyarsana
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan 26 (2), 74-79, 2019
Plastics Material Flow Study to Prove Possible Land Based Leakage: a Case Study of Sarbagita Region, Bali, Indonesia
E Sembiring, IMW Widyarsana
ISSE 초록집 2019, 213-224, 2019
Statistics and Spatial Approach to Quantify the Unmanaged Plastic Waste Generation from the Land to DKI Jakarta River, Indonesia
E Agustina, AD Sakti, H Diastomo, A Chrysanti
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