Douglas Huffman
Douglas Huffman
在 ku.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
What Does the Force Concept Inventory Actually Measure?.
D Huffman, P Heller
Physics Teacher 33 (3), 138-43, 1995
Relationship between professional development, teachers' instructional practices, and the achievement of students in science and mathematics
D Huffman, K Thomas, F Lawrenz
School Science and Mathematics 103 (8), 378-387, 2003
Effect of explicit problem solving instruction on high school students' problem‐solving performance and conceptual understanding of physics
D Huffman
Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 1997
Collaborative inquiry to make data-based decisions in schools
D Huffman, J Kalnin
Teaching and teacher education 19 (6), 569-580, 2003
Interpreting the force concept inventory: A reply to Hestenes and Halloun.
P Heller, D Huffman
Physics Teacher 33 (8), 503-507, 1995
Using computers to create constructivist learning environments: Impact on pedagogy and achievement
D Huffman, F Goldberg, M Michlin
Journal of Computers in mathematics and science teaching 22 (2), 151-168, 2003
Mobile gaming and student interactions in a science center: The future of gaming in science education
D Atwood-Blaine, D Huffman
International journal of science and mathematics education 15, 45-65, 2017
The effect of robotics competitions on high school students' attitudes toward science
A Welch, D Huffman
School Science and Mathematics 111 (8), 416-424, 2011
The science achievement of various subgroups on alternative assessment formats
F Lawrenz, D Huffman, W Welch
Science Education 85 (3), 279-290, 2001
A collaborative immersio approach to evaluation capacity building
D Huffman, K Thomas, F Lawrenz
American Journal of Evaluation 29 (3), 358-368, 2008
The effects of thinking aloud pair problem solving on high school students' chemistry problem-solving performance and verbal interactions
T Noh, K Jeon, D Huffman
Journal of Chemical Education 82 (10), 1558, 2005
How can multi-site evaluations be participatory?
F Lawrenz, D Huffman
American Journal of Evaluation 24 (4), 471-482, 2003
Enhancing the instructional environment: Optimal learning in introductory science classes
F Lawrenz, D Huffman, K Appeldoorn
Journal of College Science Teaching 34 (7), 40-45, 2005
Viewing the school environment through multiple lenses: In search of school‐level variables tied to student achievement
NB Wood, F Lawrenz, D Huffman, M Schultz
Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 2006
Relationships among student, teacher and observer perceptions of science classrooms and student achievement
F Lawrenz, D Huffman, J Robey
International Journal of Science Education 25 (3), 409-420, 2003
The archipelago approach to mixed method evaluation
F Lawrenz, D Huffman
American Journal of Evaluation 23 (3), 331-338, 2002
Collaborative evaluation communities in urban schools: A model of evaluation capacity building for STEM education
D Huffman, F Lawrenz, K Thomas, L Clarkson
New Directions for Evaluation 2006 (109), 73-85, 2006
Methodological pluralism: The gold standard of STEM evaluation
F Lawrenz, D Huffman
New directions for evaluation 2006 (109), 19-34, 2006
Implementing and sustaining standards-based curricular reform
F Lawrenz, D Huffman, B Lavoie
NASSP Bulletin 89 (643), 2-16, 2005
Within‐class analysis of ninth‐grade science students' perceptions of the learning environment
D Huffman, F Lawrenz, M Minger
Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 1997
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