Sara Königson
Sara Königson
Researcher at Swedish University of Agriculture Science
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Green lamps as visual stimuli affect the catch efficiency of floating cod (Gadus morhua) pots in the Baltic Sea
AC Bryhn, SJ Königson, SG Lunneryd, MAJ Bergenius
Fisheries Research 157, 187-192, 2014
Male gray seals specialize in raiding salmon traps
S Königson, A Fjälling, M Berglind, SG Lunneryd
Fisheries Research 148, 117-123, 2013
Grey seal predation in cod gillnet fisheries in the central Baltic Sea
S Königson, SGLH STRIDH, F Sundqvist
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 42, 2009
Size selective capture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in floating pots
M Ovegård, S Königson, A Persson, SG Lunneryd
Fisheries Research 107 (1-3), 239-244, 2011
Cod pots in a Baltic fishery: are they efficient and what affects their efficiency?
SJ Königson, RE Fredriksson, SG Lunneryd, P Strömberg, UM Bergström
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (5), 1545-1554, 2015
Seals and fisheries: a study of the conflict and some possible solutions
S Königson
Department of Marine Ecology; Institutionen för marin ekologi, 2011
Seal exclusion devices in cod pots prevent seal bycatch and affect their catchability of cod
S Königson, J Lövgren, J Hjelm, M Ovegård, F Ljunghager, SG Lunneryd
Fisheries Research 167, 114-122, 2015
Grey seal induced catch losses in the herring gillnet fisheries in the northern Baltic
S Königson, A Fjälling, SG Lunneryd
NAMMCO scientific publications 6, 203-213, 2007
Explaining the catch efficiency of different cod pots using underwater video to observe cod entry and exit behaviour
M Hedgärde, CW Berg, L Kindt-Larsen, SG Lunneryd, S Königson
The Journal of Ocean Technology 11 (4), 67-90, 2016
Reactions in individual fish to strobe light. Field and aquarium experiments performed on whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
S Königson, A Fjälling, SG Lunneryd
Hydrobiologia 483, 39-44, 2002
Including cod (Gadus Morhua) behavioural analysis to evaluate entrance type dependent pot catch in the baltic sea.
P Ljungberg, SG Lunneryd, J Lövgren, S Königson
Journal of Ocean Technology 11 (4), 2016
Local attitudes towards management measures for the co-existence of seals and coastal fishery-A Swedish case study
Å Waldo, M Johansson, J Blomquist, T Jansson, S Königson, ...
Marine Policy 118, 104018, 2020
Seals and fyke nets: An investigation of the problem and its possible solution
S Königson, M Hemmingsson, SG Lunneryd, K Lundström
Marine Biology Research 3 (1), 29-36, 2007
Bifångst av säl, tumlare och fåglar i det svenska yrkesfisket
SG Lunneryd, S Königson, NB Sjöberg
Fiskeriverket Informerar 8, 20, 2004
Feeding preferences of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) specialised in raiding fishing gear
SJ Königson, KE Lundström, MMB Hemmingsson, SG Lunneryd, ...
Aquatic Mammals 32 (2), 152, 2006
Which factors can affect the productivity and dynamics of cod stocks in the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak?
AC Bryhn, S Bergek, U Bergström, M Casini, E Dahlgren, C Ek, J Hjelm, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 223, 106154, 2022
Will harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) be deterred by a pinger that cannot be used as a “dinner bell” by seals?
S Königson, R Naddafi, M Hedgärde, A Pettersson, Ö Östman, ...
Marine Mammal Science 38 (2), 469-485, 2022
Pontoon trap for salmon and trout equipped with a seal exclusion device catches larger salmons
L Calamnius, M Lundin, A Fjälling, S Königson
Plos one 13 (7), e0201164, 2018
By-catch of seals, harbour porpoises and birds in Swedish commercial fisheries
SG Lunneryd, S Königson, NB Sjöberg
Fiskeriverket informerar 8, 2004
Sälskador i ålfisket längs den svenska västkusten: En studie av konflikten och dess eventuella lösningar
S Königson, SG Lunneryd, K Lundström
Fiskeriverket Informerar 2003, 9-24, 2003
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