Patrick Detzel
Patrick Detzel
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The dynamics of full employment: Social integration through transitional labour markets
G Schmid, B Gazier
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002
What happens after working part time? Integration, maintenance or exclusionary transitions in Britain and western Germany
J O'Reilly, S Bothfeld
Cambridge Journal of Economics 26 (4), 409-439, 2002
The short-term health and economic burden of gestational diabetes mellitus in China: a modelling study
T Xu, L Dainelli, K Yu, L Ma, IS Zolezzi, P Detzel, H Fang
BMJ open 7 (12), e018893, 2017
The impact of food reformulation on nutrient intakes and health, a systematic review of modelling studies
C Federici, P Detzel, F Petracca, L Dainelli, G Fattore
BMC nutrition 5, 1-21, 2019
Healthcare interventions for the prevention and control of gestational diabetes mellitus in China: a scoping review
T Xu, Y He, L Dainelli, K Yu, P Detzel, I Silva-Zolezzi, S Volger, H Fang
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 17, 1-10, 2017
Feeding patterns during the first 2 years and health outcome
F Haschke, N Haiden, P Detzel, B Yarnoff, B Allaire, E Haschke-Becher
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 62 (Suppl. 3), 16-25, 2013
Association between anaemia in children 6 to 23 months old and child, mother, household and feeding indicators
A Prieto-Patron, K Van der Horst, ZV Hutton, P Detzel
Nutrients 10 (9), 1269, 2018
Food fortification in a globalized world
MGV Mannar, RF Hurrell
Academic Press, 2018
Treatment of childhood atopic dermatitis and economic burden of illness in Asia Pacific countries
BW Lee, PR Detzel
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 66 (Suppl. 1), 18-24, 2015
Selected nutrients and their implications for health and disease across the lifespan: a roadmap
S Péter, M Eggersdorfer, D Van Asselt, E Buskens, P Detzel, K Freijer, ...
Nutrients 6 (12), 6076-6094, 2014
Towards effective labelling of foods. An international perspective on safety and nutrition
GW Meijer, P Detzel, KG Grunert, MC Robert, V Stancu
Trends in Food Science & Technology 118, 45-56, 2021
Food fortification for addressing iron deficiency in Filipino children: benefits and cost-effectiveness
P Detzel, S Wieser
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 66 (Suppl. 2), 35-42, 2015
Postnatal high protein intake can contribute to accelerated weight gain of infants and increased obesity risk
F Haschke, D Grathwohl, P Detzel, P Steenhout, N Wagemans, ...
Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser 85, 101-9, 2016
The short-term economic burden of gestational diabetes mellitus in Italy
M Meregaglia, L Dainelli, H Banks, C Benedetto, P Detzel, G Fattore
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 18, 1-9, 2018
A descriptive system for the Infant health-related Quality of life Instrument (IQI): Measuring health with a mobile app
R Jabrayilov, ADI van Asselt, KM Vermeulen, S Volger, P Detzel, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0203276, 2018
Screening and management of gestational diabetes in Mexico: results from a survey of multilocation, multi-health care institution practitioners
L Dainelli, A Prieto-Patron, I Silva-Zolezzi, SG Sosa-Rubi, ...
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 105-116, 2018
Associations between infant feeding practices and length, weight, and disease in developing countries
BO Yarnoff, BT Allaire, P Detzel
Frontiers in Pediatrics 1, 21, 2013
Employment systems and transitional labour markets: a comparison of youth labour markets in Germany, France and the UK
P Detzel, J Rubery
The Dynamics of Full Employment. Social Integration through Transitional …, 2002
Micronutrient fortification of bouillon cubes in Central and West Africa
P Klassen-Wigger, M Geraets, MC Messier, P Detzel, HP Lenoble, ...
Food fortification in a globalized world, 363-372, 2018
Innovationen in der ambulanten Grundversorgung durch vermehrten Einbezug nichtärztlicher Berufsleute
K Künzi, P Detzel, S Gesundheitsobservatoriums
Neuchâtel: Observatoire Suisse de la Santé, 2007
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