Subtractive schooling: US-Mexican youth and the politics of caring A Valenzuela State University of New York Press, 2010 | 8238 | 2010 |
Critical ethnography D Foley, A Valenzuela The Sage handbook of qualitative research, 217-234, 2005 | 707 | 2005 |
The harmful impact of the TAAS system of testing in Texas: Beneath the accountability rhetoric. L McNeil, A Valenzuela | 707 | 2000 |
Leaving children behind: How" Texas-style" accountability fails Latino youth A Valenzuela State University of New York Press, 2004 | 688 | 2004 |
Familism and social capital in the academic achievement of Mexican origin and Anglo A Valenzuela, SM Dornbusch Social Science Quarterly 75 (1), 18-36, 1994 | 678 | 1994 |
Subtractive schooling: Issues of caring in education of US-Mexican youth A Valenzuela State University of New York Press, 1999 | 287 | 1999 |
Growing critically conscious teachers: A social justice curriculum for educators of Latino/a youth A Valenzuela Teachers College Press, 2016 | 286 | 2016 |
Subtractive schooling, caring relations, and social capital in the schooling of US-Mexican youth A Valenzuela Beyond silenced voices: Class, race, and gender in United States schools, 83-94, 2005 | 271 | 2005 |
Let's treat the cause, not the symptoms: Equity and accountability in Texas revisited RR Valencia, A Valenzuela, K Sloan, DE Foley Phi Delta Kappan 83 (4), 318-326, 2001 | 246 | 2001 |
The significance of the TAAS test for Mexican immigrant and Mexican American adolescents: A case study A Valenzuela Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 22 (4), 524-539, 2000 | 140 | 2000 |
Reflections on the subtractive underpinnings of education research and policy A Valenzuela Journal of Teacher Education 53 (3), 235-241, 2002 | 131 | 2002 |
Synthetic and natural antioxidants: food quality protectors A Valenzuela, S Nieto Grasas y aceites 47 (3), 186-196, 1996 | 111 | 1996 |
Grow Your Own Educator Programs: A Review of the Literature with an Emphasis on Equity-Based Approaches. Literature Review. A Valenzuela Equity Assistance Center Region II, Intercultural Development Research …, 2017 | 107 | 2017 |
Introduction to the special issue: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and minority youth: What the qualitative evidence suggests A Valenzuela, L Prieto, MP Hamilton Anthropology & Education Quarterly 38 (1), 1-8, 2007 | 94 | 2007 |
High-stakes testing and US-Mexican youth in Texas: The case for multiple compensatory criteria in assessment A Valenzuela NEPC: National Education Policy Center, 2002 | 88 | 2002 |
Introduction: The accountability debate in Texas: Continuing the conversation A Valenzuela Leaving children behind: How “Texas-style” accountability fails Latino youth …, 2005 | 82 | 2005 |
Liberal gender role attitudes and academic achievement among Mexican-origin adolescents in two Houston inner-city Catholic schools A Valenzuela Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 15 (3), 310-323, 1993 | 80 | 1993 |
Mexican American youth and the politics of caring A Valenzuela From sociology to cultural studies: New perspectives, 322-350, 1997 | 54 | 1997 |
Education policy and youth: Effects of policy on practice SL Nichols, A Valenzuela Theory into practice 52 (3), 152-159, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
The struggle to decolonize official knowledge in Texas’ state curriculum: Side-stepping the colonial matrix of power A Valenzuela Equity & Excellence in Education 52 (2-3), 197-215, 2019 | 43 | 2019 |