Minh Hong
Minh Hong
Lecture of Physics, vnu, vietnam
在 vnu.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Origin of enhanced magnetization in (La, Co) codoped BiFeO3 at the morphotropic phase boundary
TH Le, NV Hao, NH Thoan, NTM Hong, PV Hai, NV Thang, PD Thang, ...
Ceramics International 45 (15), 18480-18486, 2019
Effects of TiO2 nanoparticle addition on the flux pinning properties of the Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ ceramics
DHT An T. Pham, Dzung T. Tran, Linh H. Vu, Nang T.T. Chu, Nguyen Duy Thien ...
Ceramics International 48, 20996-21004, 2022
Magnetisation process and magnetostriction in Fe/TerfecoHan/Fe sandwich films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
NH Duc, DTH Giang, VN Thuc, NTM Hong, N Chau
Physica B: Condensed Matter 327 (2-4), 328-333, 2003
Peculiar magnetism of Bi1−xDyxFeO3 ceramics at the morphotropic phase boundary
LTH N.X. Ca, M.Y. Lee, N.T.M. Hong, D.N. Ba, P.T. Tho, N.V. Dang, N. Chan, B ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 869, 159331, 2021
Converse magnetoelectric effect in PZT/NiFe/CoFe nanocomposites
NTM Hong, NH Duc, PD Thang
International journal of nanotechnology 10 (3-4), 206-213, 2013
Voltage-controllable magnetic behavior in PZT/NiFe/CoFe nanocomposites
NTM Hong, PD Thang, NH Tiep, LV Cuong, NH Duc
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2 (1), 015015, 2011
Enhancements of critical current density in Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ superconductors by additions of SnO2 nanoparticles
DHC Linh H. Vu, An T. Pham, Nguyen Duy Thien, Nguyen Hoang Nam, Eric Riviere ...
Ceramics International, 2023
Structural transition, electrical and magnetic properties of Cr doped Bi0. 9Sm0. 1FeO3 multiferroics
PT Phong, NH Thoan, NTM Hong, NV Hao, LT Ha, TN Bach, TD Thanh, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 813, 152245, 2020
Electrical field-induced magnetization switching in CoFe/NiFe/PZT multiferroics
NTM Hong, PT Ha, PT Long, PD Thang
IEEE transactions on magnetics 50 (6), 1-4, 2014
Structural evolution and magnetic properties of Bi0.86Nd0.14Fe1-xTixO3 ceramics
PTT N.T.M. Hong, N.D. Vinh, N.D. Co, V.X. Hoa, N.T.T. Hang, P.M. Tan, B.D ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 270, 124857, 2021
Switchable voltage control of the magnetic anisotropy in heterostructured nanocomposites of CoFe/NiFe/PZT
NTM Hong, NB Doan, NH Tiep, LV Cuong, BNQ Trinh, PD Thang, DH Kim
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 63, 812-816, 2013
Field induced spin frustration and magnetic coupling in BiFeO3-based ceramics
CTAX P.T. Tho, N. Tran, N.T.M. Hong, N.N. Tran, L.T. Ha, P.T. Phong, D.V ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 568, 170424, 2023
Сorrelation between structural phase coexistence and magnetic response of Eu-doped BiFeO3 at the morphotropic phase boundary
DVK N.D. Long, P.T. Tho, N.D. Co, L.T. Ha, N.T.M. Hong, C.T.A. Xuan, C.V. Ha ...
Ceramics International 49 (7), 11664-11672, 2022
Longitudinal Hall effect in Terfecohan thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
NH Duc, NTM Hong, J Teillet
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), e269-e272, 2007
Weak ferromagnetism in morphotropic phase boundary of BiFeO3-based materials
NQH N.D. Long, C.V. Ha, Q.N. Pham, E. Riviere, N. Tran, N.T.M. Hong, D.V ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 986, 174169, 2024
Revival of rhombohedral structure and complex magnetic response in (La,Cr) codoped BiFeO3
NVK P.T. Tho, C.V. Ha, N. Tran, V.T.K. Lien, P.T. Phong, N.V. Dang, C.T.A ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 586, 171233, 2023
Changing the magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with different fabrication conditions
HTA Nguyen Ngoc Huyen, Nguyen Thi Minh Hong, Pham Duc Thang, Tran Dang Thanh
VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics - Physics 37 (2), 2021
Quy trình chế tạo hạt nano oxit sắt từ Fe3O4 cấu trúc tinh thể đơn tà bằng phương pháp thuỷ nhiệt với sự hỗ trợ của nguồn năng lượng điện từ
PĐT Nguyễn Thị Minh Hồng, Nguyễn Huy Tiệp, Bùi Đình Tú, Nguyễn Đăng Cơ, Lê ...
VN Patent 39,673, 2024
Ảnh hưởng của phương pháp chế tạo và các điều kiện công nghệ đến tính chất của vật liệu siêu thuận từ cấu trúc spinel ZnFe2O4
NTMH Lê Doãn Phúc, Ngô Thị Quỳnh Trang, Bùi Văn Việt, Phạm Tiến Thành, Hồ ...
Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Vật lý Chất rắn và Khoa học Vật liệu Toàn quốc SPMS 2023 …, 2023
Synthesis and Microwave Absorption Properties of Novel Bi1/2(Na0.8K0.2)1/2TiO3/Fe3O4 Composite
BDT N.D. Co, B.D. Phat, P.V. Khai, T.Q. Dat, H.T. Anh, N.T. Ha, L.V. Cuong ...
Materials Transactions 9 (64), 2023
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