Automated detection of archaeological mounds using machine-learning classification of multisensor and multitemporal satellite data HA Orengo, FC Conesa, A Garcia-Molsosa, A Lobo, AS Green, M Madella, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (31), 18240-18250, 2020 | 129 | 2020 |
A brave new world for archaeological survey: Automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution drone imagery HA Orengo, A Garcia-Molsosa Journal of Archaeological Science 112, 105013, 2019 | 91 | 2019 |
Potential of deep learning segmentation for the extraction of archaeological features from historical map series A Garcia‐Molsosa, HA Orengo, D Lawrence, G Philip, K Hopper, ... Archaeological Prospection 28 (2), 187-199, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
Mapping archaeology while mapping an empire: Using historical maps to reconstruct ancient settlement landscapes in modern India and Pakistan CA Petrie, HA Orengo, AS Green, JR Walker, A Garcia, F Conesa, ... Geosciences 9 (1), 11, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
Photogrammetric re-discovery of the hidden long-term landscapes of western Thessaly, central Greece HA Orengo, A Krahtopoulou, A Garcia-Molsosa, K Palaiochoritis, ... Journal of Archaeological Science 64, 100-109, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
The onset of islandscapes in the Balearic Islands: A study-case of Addaia (northern Minorca, Spain) G Servera-Vives, S Riera, L Picornell-Gelabert, P Moffa-Sánchez, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 498, 9-23, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Els espais altimontans pirenaics orientals a l'Antiguitat: 10 anys d'estudis en arqueologia del paisatge del GIAP-ICAC JM Palet Martínez, A Garcia i Molsosa, HA Orengo Romeu, ... Treballs d'arqueologia 21, 0077-97, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Remote sensing and historical morphodynamics of alluvial plains. The 1909 Indus flood and the city of Dera Gazhi Khan (Province of Punjab, Pakistan) A Garcia, HA Orengo, FC Conesa, AS Green, CA Petrie Geosciences 9 (1), 21, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Re-discovering ancient landscapes: Archaeological survey of mound features from historical maps in northwest India and implications for investigating the large-scale … AS Green, HA Orengo, A Alam, A Garcia-Molsosa, LM Green, F Conesa, ... Remote Sensing 11 (18), 2089, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
New developments in drone-based automated surface survey: Towards a functional and effective survey system HA Orengo Romeu, A Garcia i Molsosa, I Berganzo Besga, J Landauer, ... Archaeological Prospection. 2021; 1–8., 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Ocupación y explotación de espacios altimontanos pirenaicos en la antigüedad: visiones desde la arqueología del paisaje JM Palet, A Garcia, H Orengo, S Riera, Y Miras, R Julià Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale di Studi Veleiati Veleia-Lugagnano Val d …, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Landscape Systems and Human Land-Use Interactions in Mediterranean Highlands and Littoral Plains during the Late Holocene: Integrated Analysis from the InterAmbAr Project … JM Palet, R Julia, S Riera, A Ejarque, HA Orengo, Y Miras, A Garcia, ... eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special volum 3, 305-310, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Ocupacions ramaderes altimontanes a les capçaleres del Ter (Vall de Núria i Coma de Vaca, Queralbs): resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques 2010-2015 JM Palet, A García, HA Orengo, T Polonio Tretzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les comarques de Girona (Banyoles, del …, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Arqueología del paisaje en el entorno de Lauro: una aproximación microrregional a la construcción del territorio romano en el noreste de la Península Ibérica A Garcia i Molsosa, M Flórez Santasusanna, JM Palet i Martínez Universidad de Salamanca, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
What happened in the highlands? Characterising Pyrenean livestock practices during the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period L Colominas, JM Palet, A Garcia-Molsosa Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 1-12, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Occupation et anthropisation des espaces de haute montagne dans les vallées de Nuria et de Coma de Vaca (Gerona, Espagne): Résultats des recherches archéologiques et patrimoniales JM Palet, P Olmos, A Garcia, T Polonio, HA Orengo La conquête de la montagne: des premières occupations humaines à l …, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Reconstructing long-term settlement histories on complex alluvial floodplains by integrating historical map analysis and remote-sensing: An archaeological analysis of the … A Garcia-Molsosa, HA Orengo, CA Petrie Heritage Science 11 (1), 141, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
The archaeological survey at Abdera and Xanthi 2015–2019: long-term analysis of colonial relations in Thrace M Georgiadis, C Kallintzi, A Garcia-Molsosa, HA Orengo, E Kefalidou, ... Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (9), 167, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Landscape dynamics and territorial organization in the Empordà littoral plain (North-Eastern Catalonia) from the Antiquity to the Medieval period: an integrated landscape analysis JMP i Martínez, A Ejarque, HAO Romeu, RJ Brugués, J Marco, S Riera, ... Centro y periferia en el mundo clásico: Actas XVIII Congreso Internacional …, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Arqueologia dels paisatges culturals del massís del Montseny: dinàmiques històriques de la prehistòria a l'edat mitjana A Garcia Molsosa Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |