Quantum Fourier models for semiconductors under multiple laser irradiations M Oane, A Peled, F Scarlat, IN Mihailescu, G Georgescu Infrared Physics & Technology 51 (4), 348-350, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |
Analysis of thickness influence on refractive index and absorption coefficient of zinc selenide thin films G Georgescu, A Petris Optics Express 27 (24), 34803-34823, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Multi-photon temperature profile modeling in solids during powerful pulse laser irradiation M Oane, A Peled, F Scarlat, IN Mihailescu, A Scarisoreanu, G Georgescu Infrared Physics & Technology 51 (3), 242-245, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
The study of vacuum influence on spatial-temporal dependence of thermal distributions during laser-optical components interaction M Oane, K Vutova, IN Mihailescu, V Donchev, G Florescu, L Munteanu, ... Vacuum 86 (10), 1440-1442, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Structure of bulk glassy As2Se3 and As2S3 G Georgescu, F Sava, M Rares-Medianu Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 8 (5), 1801-1805, 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Growth of carbon/nickel multilayer for X-ray–UV optics by RF reactive magnetron sputtering G Georgescu, V Nelea, M Ulmeanu, C Ghica, N Nastase Applied surface science 148 (3-4), 142-146, 1999 | 6 | 1999 |
Selective removal and patterning of a Co/Cu/Co trilayer created by femtosecond laser processing M Ulmeanu, M Filipescu, ND Scarisoreanu, G Georgescu, L Rusen, ... Applied Physics A 104, 247-255, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
THE DETERMINATION OF TWO PHOTON THERMAL FIELDS IN LASER-TWO-LAYER SOLIDS WEAK INTERACTION USING GREEN FUNCTION METHOD M Oane, R Medianu, G Georgescu, D Toader, A Peled Romanian Reports in Physics 65 (3), 997-1005, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
The Study of Classical High Power Lasers Calorimetry With Applications On Thin Films A Peled, M Oane, F Scarlat, I MIHAILESCU, A Scarisoreanu, G Georgescu Romanian Reports in Physics 60 (4), 1077-1086, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
High-efficiency high-optical-quality transverse-flow CO2 laser I Gutu, RV Medianu, G Georgescu, C Petre, IN Mihailescu, K Kasuya XII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power …, 1998 | 2 | 1998 |
The study of heating of transparent liquids for laser-liquids technologies M Oane, G Georgescu, F Scarlat, R Medianu, I Mihailescu, A Peled INDLAS 2007: Industrial Laser Applications 7007, 119-121, 2008 | | 2008 |
Optical field properties in micro-and nano-structures G Georgescu, V Babin, R Medianu ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics 6785, 366-373, 2007 | | 2007 |
Optical field properties in micro-and nano-structures [6785-48] G Georgescu, V Babin, R Medianu PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING 6785, 6785, 2007 | | 2007 |
High-efficiency high-optical-quality transverse-flow CO2laser IN Mihailescu, K Kasuya, RV Medianu, C Petre, G Georgescu, I Gutu SPIE Proceedings, 1998 | | 1998 |
Special mirrors for cw CO2 high-power lasers VR Medianu, I Gutu, G Georgescu, MF Lazarescu ROMOPTO'97: Fifth Conference on Optics 3405, 1114-1119, 1998 | | 1998 |
Characteristics of a carbon/nickel multilayer structure for soft x-ray optics deposited by rf magnetron sputtering M Ulmeanu, G Georgescu, RV Medianu, N Nastase, C Ghica, VV Vasiliu ROMOPTO'97: Fifth Conference on Optics 3405, 1137-1142, 1998 | | 1998 |
Structure investigations of optical coatings on GaAs substrate CA Timus, VR Medianu, RV Medianu, G Georgescu, E Vasile ROMOPTO'97: Fifth Conference on Optics 3405, 1132-1136, 1998 | | 1998 |
Some results in laser optics CA Timus, VR Medianu, C Georgescu, G Georgescu Optical Engineering 35 (5), 1300-1304, 1996 | | 1996 |
Multi-photon temperature profile modeling in solids during M Oane, A Peled, F Scarlat, IN Mihailescu, A Scarisoreanu, G Georgescu | | |
STATUS OF THE FEL PROJECT AT NILPRP F Scarlat, E Badita, C Bontoiu, G Georgescu, R Medianu, E Mitru, M Oane, ... | | |