Dae Ryun Chang or Dae R. Chang
Dae Ryun Chang or Dae R. Chang
Professor of Business, Stony Brook Korea, Former Professor at Yonsei University
在 yonsei.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Product quality, cost position and business performance: a test of some key hypotheses
LW Phillips, DR Chang, RD Buzzell
Journal of marketing 47 (2), 26-43, 1983
An approach to the measurement, analysis, and prediction of brand equity and its sources
V Srinivasan, CS Park, DR Chang
Management science 51 (9), 1433-1448, 2005
Organizational memory influences new product success
DR Chang, H Cho
Journal of Business Research 61 (1), 13-23, 2008
Modeling intercategory and generational dynamics for a growing information technology industry
N Kim, DR Chang, AD Shocker
Management Science 46 (4), 496-512, 2000
Salesperson's innovation resistance and job satisfaction in intra-organizational diffusion of sales force automation technologies: The case of South Korea
S Do Cho, DR Chang
Industrial Marketing Management 37 (7), 841-847, 2008
Marketing in sports
A Bühler, G Nufer
International sports marketing: principles and perspectives, 21-53, 2014
Global quality management: a research focus
KY Kim, DR Chang
Decision Sciences 26 (5), 561-568, 1995
The effects of power on consumers’ evaluation of a luxury brand's corporate social responsibility
DR Chang, J Jang, H Lee, M Nam
Psychology & Marketing 36 (1), 72-83, 2019
A model of consumer information search and online network externalities
YS Sohn, H Joun, DR Chang
Journal of Interactive Marketing 16 (4), 2-14, 2002
A study on the rating of import sources for industrial products in a newly industrializing country: the case of South Korea
DR Chang, IT Kim
Journal of Business Research 32 (1), 31-39, 1995
Equitymap: Measurement, analysis, and prediction of brand equity and its sources
V Srinivasan, C Park, D Chang
Research Paper Series 1685, 110, 2001
The effects of brand strategy and technological uncertainty on pioneering advantage in the multigenerational product market
DR Chang, SB Park
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (1), 82-95, 2013
Structural determinants of ratios of promotion and advertising to sales
JA Quelch, CT Marshall, DR Chang
Research on Sales Promotion: Collective Papers, Marketing Science Institute …, 1984
When a good company transgresses: A study of the influences of CSR, moral decoupling, and ethnocentrism
DR Chang, J Jang, EY Lee, H Lee, B Chang
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 8 (1), 40-53, 2017
A study on the effects of background film music valence on para-social interaction and consumer attitudes toward social enterprises
DR Chang, Q Kim
Journal of Business Research 142, 165-175, 2022
The “we-Me” Culture: Marketing to Korean Consumers
D Ryun Chang
Cross-Cultural Buyer Behavior, 141-157, 2007
Using films to achieve diversity goals in marketing education
DR Chang
Journal of Marketing Education 42 (1), 48-58, 2020
Consumer response to coupon advertising
M Hahn, DR Chang, IT Kim, Y Kim
International Journal of Advertising 14 (1), 41-53, 1995
A study on the dynamics between the moral reasoning process and celebrity image and their impact on consumers’ support for celebrity comebacks after a transgression
H Lee, DR Chang, S Einwiller
Journal of Product & Brand Management 29 (6), 729-743, 2020
An Extended Framework for Adjusting Channel Strategies inIndustrial Markets
M Hahn, DR Chang
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 7 (2), 31-43, 1992
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