Cinthia Rocío Juárez Tapia
Ovariectomy influences the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity and the photic phase shifts in the volcano mouse
C Juárez-Tapia, M Miranda-Anaya
Physiology & behavior 182, 77-85, 2017
The volcano mouse Neotomodon alstoni of central Mexico, a biological model in the study of breeding, obesity and circadian rhythms
M Miranda-Anaya, M Pérez-Mendoza, CR Juárez-Tapia, ...
General and Comparative Endocrinology 273, 61-66, 2019
Short-day photoperiod disrupts daily activity and facilitates anxiety–depressive behaviours in gerbil Meriones unguiculatus
CR Juárez-Tapia, D Torres-Mendoza, P Durán, M Miranda-Anaya
Biological Rhythm Research 46 (6), 919-927, 2015
El reloj circadiano ovárico: un segundero en la fisiología de la reproducción
CRJ Tapia, MM Anaya
Entreciencias: Diálogos en la sociedad del conocimiento 4 (10), 147-163, 2016
Changes in 24 h rhythmicity of spontaneous locomotor activity in the triple transgenic mouse for Alzheimer’s disease (3xTg-AD) in a jet lag protocol: Correlations with retinal …
IA González-Luna, C Juárez-Tapia, A Aguilar-Vázquez, E Arnold, ...
Journal of Circadian Rhythms 19, 2021
Obese mice Neotomodon alstoni show learning impairment in Morris Water Maze test, differences between midday and midnight
A Barrios-Rivera, C Juárez-Tapia, A Carmona-Castro, T Bosques-Tistler, ...
Biological Rhythm Research 51 (8), 1206-1215, 2020
Unraveling the Role of Discrete Areas of the Rat Brain in the Regulation of Ovulation through Reversible Inactivation by Tetrodotoxin Microinjections
CC Silva, M Bolaños-Hurtado, C Juárez-Tapia, A Flores, I Arrieta-Cruz, ...
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e61493, 2020
Unilateral lesion of the suprachiasmatic nucleus impairs estradiol feedback, follicular development, estrous cycle and ovulation
CC Silva, DP Benítez, A Flores, GD Cortés, E Vieyra, CR Juárez-Tapia, ...
Reproduction 166 (6), 459-471, 2023
Histamine-like immunoreactivity in the putative pacemaker of two Cambarellus montezumae generations at different times of day, between females and males
M de la Paz Rodríguez-Muñoz, CO Lara-Figueroa, CR Juárez-Tapia, ...
Biological Rhythm Research 54 (9), 563-576, 2023
Unidad Multidisciplinaria de Docencia e Investigación, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Juriquilla Querétaro, México 76230.* To whom all …
M Miranda-Anaya, M Pérez-Mendoza, CR Juárez-Tapia, ...
Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2018
Effect Of Lithium Upon Circadian Rhythm Of Locomotor Activity In Gerbil Meriones Unguiculatus: Gender Differences
DP Juárez-Tapia Cinthia Rocío, Miranda-Anaya Manuel, Moreno-Sáenz Enrique
Neurobiologia 71 (4), 9-18, 2010
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