krishna katuwal
Desiccation avoidance and drought tolerance strategies in bermudagrasses
KB Katuwal, B Schwartz, D Jespersen
Environmental and Experimental Botany 171, 103947, 2020
Physiological responses and tolerance mechanisms of seashore paspalum and centipedegrass exposed to osmotic and iso-osmotic salt stresses
KB Katuwal, B Xiao, D Jespersen
Journal of plant physiology 248, 153154, 2020
Soil water extraction pattern and water use efficiency of spring canola under growth-stage-based irrigation management
KB Katuwal, Y Cho, S Singh, SV Angadi, S Begna, M Stamm
Agricultural Water Management 239, 106232, 2020
Factors affecting ginger production in surkhet district, Nepal
S Mahat, S Sapkota, S Sapkota, K Katuwal
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology 7 (2), 269-273, 2019
Growth‐Stage‐Based Irrigation Management on Biomass, Yield, and Yield Attributes of Spring Canola in the Southern Great Plains
KB Katuwal, SV Angadi, S Singh, Y Cho, S Begna, MR Umesh
Crop Science 58 (6), 2623-2632, 2018
Pesticides handling practices among potato growers in Kavrepalanchok, Nepal
KR Sapkota, S Sapkota, S Sapkota, K Katuwal
Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3 (1), 77-87, 2020
The use of 5‐aminolevulinic acid to reduce heat‐stress‐related damages in tall fescue
KB Katuwal, S Rowe, D Jespersen
Crop Science 61 (5), 3206-3218, 2021
Multilocational screening identifies new drought‐tolerant, warm‐season turfgrasses
KB Katuwal, D Jespersen, U Bhattarai, A Chandra, KE Kenworthy, ...
Crop Science 62 (4), 1614-1630, 2022
Assessing drought resistance in seashore paspalum genotypes using leaf gas exchange, osmotic adjustment, and rooting characteristics
KB Katuwal, V Tishchenko, D Jespersen
Crop Science 61 (3), 2121-2134, 2021
Root physiological and biochemical responses of seashore paspalum and centipedegrass exposed to iso‐osmotic salt and drought stresses
KB Katuwal, B Xiao, D Jespersen
Crop Science 60 (2), 1077-1089, 2020
Evaluation of phenotypic and photosynthetic indices to detect water stress in perennial grass species using hyperspectral, multispectral and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging
KB Katuwal, H Yang, B Huang
Grass Research 3 (1), 2023
Assessing Spring Canola Adoptability to the Southern High Plain Using Critical Stage Based Irrigation and Crop Modeling Approaches.
K Katuwal, Y Cho, S Angadi, S Begna
Western Society of Crop Science (July 12-13, 2016), 2016
Sulfur Fertilizers for Optimum Canola Production in North Dakota
K Katuwal, CL Augustin
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2024
Cytokinin Priming in Regulating Heat Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass
K Katuwal, J Nisler, B Huang
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2023
Cytokinin Regulation of Heat and Drought Priming-Induced Cross-Stress Tolerance in Ipt Transgenic Bentgrass Lines
K Katuwal, B Huang
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2023
Winter and Spring Canola Responses to Irrigation Strategies in the Southern Great Plains
SV Angadi, S Begna, K Katuwal, P Singh, UM Rangappa
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2023
Lipid Metabolism Associated with Heat Tolerance in Hard Fescue
K Katuwal
Symposium Organizing Committee, 48, 2022
Detection and Monitoring Drought Stress in Kentucky Bluegrass Using Hyperspectral Sensing and Metabolic Biomarkers
K Katuwal, H Yang, PL Vines, B Huang
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2022
Recipients of 2021 CSSA Editor’s Citation for Excellence Named
M Castillo, L McHale, R Savin, S Sukumaran, F Guzzon, M Huang, ...
Metabolomic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Seashore Paspalum
K Katuwal, D Jespersen
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2021
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