Zebin Zhao
Zebin Zhao
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences
在 lzb.ac.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Prediction of the COVID-19 spread in African countries and implications for prevention and control: A case study in South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal and Kenya
Z Zhao, X Li, F Liu, G Zhu, C Ma, L Wang
Science of the Total Environment 729, 138959, 2020
Big data assimilation to improve the predictability of COVID-19
X Li, Z Zhao, F Liu
Geography and Sustainability 1 (4), 317-320, 2020
Understanding dynamics of pandemic models to support predictions of COVID-19 transmission: parameter sensitivity analysis of SIR-type models
C Ma, X Li, Z Zhao, F Liu, K Zhang, A Wu, X Nie
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (6), 2458-2468, 2022
Return to normal pre-COVID-19 life is delayed by inequitable vaccine allocation and SARS-CoV-2 variants
F Liu, Z Zhao, C Ma, X Nie, A Wu, X Li
Epidemiology & Infection 150, e46, 2022
Stringent nonpharmaceutical interventions are crucial for curbing COVID-19 transmission in the course of vaccination: A case study of South and Southeast Asian countries
Z Zhao, X Li, F Liu, R Jin, C Ma, B Huang, A Wu, X Nie
Healthcare 9 (10), 1292, 2021
Estimation of soil moisture of agriculture field in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin based on Sentinel-1 and Landsat 8 imagery
S Wang, C Ma, Z Zhao, L Wei
Remote Sensing Technology and Application 35 (1), 13-22, 2020
气候变化下的孑遗植物裸果木 (Gymnocarpos przewalskii) 适宜生境分布
赵泽芳, 卫海燕, 郭彦龙, 栾文飞, 赵泽斌
中国沙漠 40 (2), 125, 2020
Global sensitivity analysis of a water cloud model toward soil moisture retrieval over vegetated agricultural fields
C Ma, S Wang, Z Zhao, H Ma
Remote Sensing 13 (19), 3889, 2021
基于 GIS 的柠条锦鸡儿 (Caragana korshinskii) 分布模型
邓迪, 赵泽斌, 马媛
中国沙漠 40 (5), 74, 2020
Automatic algorithm for extracting lake boundaries in qinghai-tibet plateau based on cloudy landsat TM/OLI image and DEM
X Wang, R Jin, J Lin, X Zeng, Z Zhao
Remote Sensing Technology and Application 35 (4), 882-892, 2020
Quantifying the representativeness errors caused by scale transformation of remote sensing data in stochastic ensemble data assimilation
F Liu, Z Zhao, X Li
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2022
基于 Sentinel-1 及 Landsat 8 数据的黑河中游农田土壤水分估算
王树果, 马春锋, 赵泽斌, 魏龙
遥感技术与应用 35 (1), 13-22, 2020
黑果枸杞 (Lycium ruthenicum) 分布对气候变化的响应及其种植适宜性
赵泽芳, 卫海燕, 郭彦龙, 赵泽斌, 庞国锦, 马媛, 顾蔚
中国沙漠 37 (5), 902, 2017
Data assimilation method for improving the global spatiotemporal predictions of epidemic dynamics yielded by an ensemble Kalman filter and Metropolis–Hastings sampling
F Liu, X Nie, A Wu, Z Zhao, C Ma, L Ning, Y Zhu, L Wang, X Guo, X Li
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (16), 15573-15589, 2023
基于 SiB2 模型的土壤水分降尺度指标的适用性研究
赵泽斌, 晋锐, 田伟, 亢健, 苏阳
遥感技术与应用 32 (2), 195-205, 2017
Effectiveness analysis of multiple epidemic prevention measures in the context of COVID-19 using the SVIRD model and ensemble Kalman filter
Y Zhu, F Liu, Y Bai, Z Zhao, C Ma, A Wu, L Ning, X Nie
Heliyon 9 (3), 2023
Using of Remote Sensing-Based Auxiliary Variables for Soil Moisture Scaling and Mapping
Z Zhao, R Jin, J Kang, C Ma, W Wang
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3373, 2022
Stringent nonpharma‑ceutical interventions are crucial for curbing COVID‑19 transmission in the course of vaccination: a case study of South and Southeast Asian countries …
Z Zhao, X Li, F Liu, R Jin, C Ma, B Huang, A Wu, X Nie
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2021
王宝刚, 晋锐, 赵泽斌, 亢健
遥感技术与应用 33 (2), 193-201, 2018
Climate Change Threatens the Habitat of Pinus massoniana in China
Z Zhao, S Chao, Z Zhao, M Jing
Forests 15 (2), 323, 2024
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