Regina Soobard
Assessing Student's Level of Scientific Literacy Using Interdisciplinary Scenarios.
R Soobard, M Rannikmae
Science education international 22 (2), 133-144, 2011
Social Constructivism—Jerome Bruner
M Rannikmäe, J Holbrook, R Soobard
Science education in theory and practice: An introductory guide to learning …, 2020
Students’ self-efficacy and values based on A 21st century vision of scientific literacy–A pilot study
K Ait, M Rannikmäe, R Soobard, P Reiska, J Holbrook
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 177, 491-495, 2015
Using concept mapping method for assessing students’ scientific literacy
P Reiska, K Soika, A Möllits, M Rannikmäe, R Soobard
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 177, 352-357, 2015
Scenario evaluation with relevance and interest (SERI): Development and validation of a scenario measurement tool for context-based learning
J Kang, T Keinonen, S Simon, M Rannikmäe, R Soobard, I Direito
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 17, 1317-1338, 2019
Promoting students’ perceived self-efficacy towards 21st century skills through everyday life-related scenarios
H Semilarski, R Soobard, M Rannikmäe
Education Sciences 11 (10), 570, 2021
Upper Secondary studentsself-perceptions of both their competence in problem solving, decision making and reasoning within science subjects and their future careers
R Soobard, M Rannikmäe
Journal of Baltic Science Education 13 (4), 544, 2014
STEAM Education—A transdisciplinary teaching and learning approach
J Holbrook, M Rannikmäe, R Soobard
Science education in theory and practice: An introductory guide to learning …, 2020
A study comparing intrinsic motivation and opinions on learning science (grades 6) and taking the international PISA test (grade 9)
M Teppo, R Soobard, M Rannikmäe
Education Sciences 11 (1), 14, 2021
Examining Curriculum Related Progress Using a Context-Based Test Instrument--A Comparison of Estonian Grade 10 and 11 Students.
R Soobard, M Rannikmae
Science Education International 26 (3), 263-283, 2015
Grade 6 & 9 Student and Teacher Perceptions of Teaching and Learning Approaches in Relation to Student Perceived Interest/Enjoyment towards Science Learning.
M Teppo, R Soobard, M Rannikmäe
Journal of Baltic Science Education 20 (1), 119-133, 2021
Effect of embedded careers education in science lessons on students’ interest, awareness, and aspirations
J Kang, A Salonen, S Tolppanen, A Scheersoi, J Hense, M Rannikmäe, ...
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-21, 2021
Modelling students’ perceived self-efficacy and importance towards core ideas and work and life skills in science education
H Semilarski, R Soobard, M Rannikmäe
Science Education International 30 (4), 261-273, 2019
Students’ Perceptions of an Intervention Course Designed to Raise Science-Related Career Awareness
R Soobard, T Kotkas, J Holbrook, M Rannikmae
European Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Expanding disciplinary and interdisciplinary core idea maps by students to promote perceived self-efficacy in learning science
H Semilarski, R Soobard, J Holbrook, M Rannikmäe
International Journal of STEM Education 9 (1), 57, 2022
Loodusvaldkonna õpitulemuste hindamine
M Pedaste, M Brikker, M Rannikmäe, R Soobard, M Mäeots, P Reiska
Tartu Ülikool. Külastatud aadressil http://haridusinfo. innove. ee/UserFiles …, 2017
9. klassi õpilaste huvi eri kontekstis esitatud loodusteaduslike teemade õppimise vastu ja motivatsioon õppida loodusteadusi
M Teppo, H Semilarski, R Soobard, M Rannikmäe
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri 5 (1), 130, 2017
Eesti ja vene õppekeelega koolide 15-aastaste õpilaste teadmiste ja oskuste erinevuse põhjuste analüüs
K Täht, K Konstabel, K Kask, M Rannikmäe, D Rozgonjuk, A Schults, ...
Tartu: Tartu Ülikool, 2018
Grade 12 Students' Perceived Self-Efficacy towards Working Life Skills and Curriculum Content Promoted through Science Education.
R Soobard, H Semilarski, J Holbrook, M Rannikmäe
Journal of Baltic Science Education 17 (5), 838-850, 2018
Õpilaste loodusteadusliku kirjaoskuse tasemete muutus gümnaasiumiõpingute jooksul
M Rannikmäe, R Soobard, P Reiska, A Rannikmäe, J Holbrook
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri 5 (1), 59-98, 2017
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