The impact of grassland management on biogeochemical cycles involving carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus C Rumpel, A Crème, PT Ngo, G Velásquez, ML Mora, A Chabbi Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 15 (2), 353-371, 2015 | 147 | 2015 |
Release of dissolved phosphorus from riparian wetlands: Evidence for complex interactions among hydroclimate variability, topography and soil properties S Gu, G Gruau, R Dupas, C Rumpel, A Crème, O Fovet, C Gascuel-Odoux, ... Science of the Total Environment 598, 421-431, 2017 | 93 | 2017 |
Effects of grasses and a legume grown in monoculture or mixture on soil organic matter and phosphorus forms A Crème, C Rumpel, F Gastal, M de la Luz Mora Gil, A Chabbi Plant and Soil 402, 117-128, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Ley grassland under temperate climate had a legacy effect on soil organic matter quantity, biogeochemical signature and microbial activities A Crème, C Rumpel, X Le Roux, A Romian, T Lan, A Chabbi Soil Biology and Biochemistry 122, 203-210, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
Carbohydrate and nitrogen stores in Festuca paniculata under mowing explain dominance in subalpine grasslands F Baptist, H Secher‐Fromell, F Viard‐Cretat, I Aranjuelo, JC Clement, ... Plant Biology 15 (2), 395-404, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
Current controversies on mechanisms controlling soil carbon storage: implications for interactions with practitioners and policy-makers. A review D Derrien, P Barré, I Basile-Doelsch, L Cécillon, A Chabbi, A Crème, ... Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43 (1), 21, 2023 | 28 | 2023 |
Monitoring grassland management effects on soil organic carbon—A matter of scale A Crème, C Rumpel, SL Malone, NPA Saby, E Vaudour, ML Decau, ... Agronomy 10 (12), 2016, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
Biogeochemical nature of grassland soil organic matter under plant communities with two nitrogen sources A Creme, A Chabbi, F Gastal, C Rumpel Plant and Soil 415, 189-201, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Carbon sink activity of managed grasslands K Klumpp, A Chabbi, F Gastal, N Senapati, X Charrier, O Darsonville, ... EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13783, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Carbon sink activity of managed grasslands: case study of three multi-treatment field sites K Klumpp, J Bloor, F Louault, A Chabbi, C Rumpel, F Gastal, A Creme, ... Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management, 66, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Evaluation of GHGs, carbon stocks and yields from European cropping and pasture systems under two climate change scenarios M Carozzi, RS Massad, K Klumpp, EHU Eza, A Shtiliyanova, JL Drouet, ... Climate SMART Agriculture 2015-Global science conference-Towards Climate …, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Assessing the potential of organic carbon storage in soils by a statistical data-driven approach at the scale of a small agricultural region A Crème, E Vaudour, D Arrouays, P Barré, AC Richer-De-Forges, ... | | 2023 |
StoreSoilC: Evaluer le potentiel de stockage du carbone organique dans les sols au moyen d’une approche statistique «data-driven» Etude de cas d’une petite région agricole. A Creme, E Vaudour, D Arrouays, AC Richer-De-Forges, F Levavasseur, ... Journées du collectif CarboSMS, 18, 2019 | | 2019 |
Estimer le potentiel de stockage de carbone dans les sols agricoles C Chenu, A Crème | | 2019 |
Assessing the potential of organic carbon storage in soils a case study over a small agricultural region A Creme, E Vaudour, C Chenu | | 2019 |
Les stocks de carbone et le potentiel de stockage dans les sols agricoles C Chenu, A Creme, D Arrouays, S Chen, S Pellerin | | 2019 |
Effect of grazing and mowing on soil microbial parameters and enzyme activity in permanent grassland soil A Gilmullina, E Blagodatskaya, A Crème, C Rumpel, A Chabbi EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15452, 2018 | | 2018 |
Carbon sink activity of managed grasslands: case study of two multi-treatment field sites K Klumpp, F Louault, A Chabbi, C Rumpel, A Crème, F Gastal, X Charrier, ... | | 2018 |
ATTENUATION DES EMISSIONS DES GES DANS LES SYSTEMES PRAIRIAUX A Chabbi, B Gabrielle, C Rumpel, K Klump, N Vuichard, RS Massad, ... Projet, 2017 | | 2017 |
Impacts de la gestion des prairies sur le stockage du carbone et la nature biogéochimique des matières organiques du sol A Creme École doctorale: Sciences pour l'environnement-Gay Lussac (La Rochelle), 2016 | | 2016 |