Sofia Schöbel
Sofia Schöbel
Assistant Professor in Information Systems at the University of Osnabrück
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Capturing the complexity of gamification elements: a holistic approach for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs
SM Schöbel, A Janson, M Söllner
European Journal of Information Systems 29 (6), 641-668, 2020
Two decades of game concepts in digital learning environments–A bibliometric study and research agenda
S Schöbel, M Saqr, A Janson
Computers & Education 173, 104296, 2021
A research agenda for the why, what, and how of gamification designs: Outcomes of an ECIS 2019 panel
S Schöbel, A Janson, K Jahn, B Kordyaka, O Turetken, N Djafarova, ...
Communications of the association for information systems 46, 706-721, 2020
What do you mean? A Review on Recovery Strategies to Overcome Conversational Breakdowns of Conversational Agents.
D Benner, E Elshan, S Schöbel, A Janson
ICIS, 2021
How to gamify information systems-adapting gamification to individual user preferences
S Schöbel, M Söllner
European Conference on Information Systems, 2016
The agony of choice–analyzing user preferences regarding gamification elements in learning management systems
S Schöbel, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
International Conference on Information Systems, 2016
The anatomy of user experience with conversational agents: A taxonomy and propositions of service clues
N Zierau, T Wambsganss, A Janson, S Schöbel, JM Leimeister
International Conference on Information Systems, 2020
Is it all about having Fun?–Developing a Taxonomy to gamify Information Systems
S Schöbel, A Janson
European Conference on Information Systems, 2018
Charting the evolution and future of conversational agents: A research agenda along five waves and new frontiers
S Schöbel, A Schmitt, D Benner, M Saqr, A Janson, JM Leimeister
Information Systems Frontiers 26 (2), 729-754, 2024
Understanding user preferences of digital privacy nudges–a best-worst scaling Approach
S Schöbel, T Barev, A Janson, F Hupfeld, JM Leimeister
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020
Metaverse platform ecosystems
SM Schöbel, JM Leimeister
Electronic Markets 33 (1), 12, 2023
An empirical analysis of facilitators and barriers to the hybrid work model: a cross-cultural and multi-theoretical approach
B Sampat, S Raj, A Behl, S Schoebel
Personnel Review 51 (8), 1990-2020, 2022
Adaptive and personalized gamification designs: Call for action and future research
S Schöbel, M Schmidt-Kraepelin, A Janson, A Sunyaev
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 13 (4), 479-494, 2021
A configurational view on avatar design–the role of emotional attachment, satisfaction, and cognitive load in digital learning
S Schöbel, A Janson, A Mishra
International Conference on Information Systems, 2019
Gamifying online training in management education to support emotional engagement and problem-solving skills
SM Schöbel, A Janson, JM Leimeister
Journal of Management Education 47 (2), 166-203, 2023
Users’ game design element preferences in health behavior change support systems for physical activity: A best-worst-scaling approach
M Schmidt-Kraeplin, S Thiebes, S Schöbel, A Sunyaev
International Conference on Information Systems, 2019
Level-up your learning–Introducing a framework for gamified educational conversational agents
D Benner, S Schöbel, C Süess, V Baechle, A Janson
Persuasive Design for Smart Personal Assistants-A Theory-Motivated State-of-the-Art Analysis
D Benner, S Schöbel, A Janson
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2021
How to achieve ethical persuasive design: A review and theoretical propositions for information systems
D Benner, SM Schöbel, A Janson, JM Leimeister
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 14 (4), 548-577, 2022
Unterstützung digitaler Bildungsprozesse durch interaktive gamifizierte Lernvideos–Wie innovative Lernvideos Motivation und Lernerfolg steigern können
T Weinert, D Benner, E Dickhaut, A Janson, S Schöbel, JM Leimeister
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 58 (6), 1483, 2021
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