Abbey Eisenhower
Abbey Eisenhower
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Preschool children with intellectual disability: syndrome specificity, behaviour problems, and maternal well‐being
AS Eisenhower, BL Baker, J Blacher
Journal of intellectual disability research 49 (9), 657-671, 2005
Emotion regulation in young children with autism spectrum disorders
L Berkovits, A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47, 68-79, 2017
Early student–teacher relationships of children with and without intellectual disability: Contributions of behavioral, social, and self-regulatory competence
AS Eisenhower, BL Baker, J Blacher
Journal of School Psychology 45 (4), 363-383, 2007
Children's delayed development and behavior problems: Impact on mothers' perceived physical health across early childhood
AS Eisenhower, BL Baker, J Blacher
Social Science & Medicine 68 (1), 89-99, 2009
Children's appraisal of peer rejection experiences: Impact on social and emotional adjustment
MJ Sandstrom, AHN Cillessen, A Eisenhower
Social Development 12 (4), 530-550, 2003
Mothers of young adults with intellectual disability: Multiple roles, ethnicity and well‐being
A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 50 (12), 905-916, 2006
Student–teacher relationship stability across early school years for children with intellectual disability or typical development
J Blacher, BL Baker, AS Eisenhower
American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 114 (5), 322-339, 2009
Satisfaction with individualized education programs among parents of young children with ASD
N Slade, A Eisenhower, AS Carter, J Blacher
Exceptional Children 84 (3), 242-260, 2018
Pathways to service receipt: Modeling parent help-seeking for childhood mental health problems
L Godoy, ND Mian, AS Eisenhower, AS Carter
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2014
Student–teacher relationships for young children with autism spectrum disorder: Risk and protective factors
B Caplan, M Feldman, A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 3653-3666, 2016
Perceived social competence and loneliness among young children with ASD: Child, parent and teacher reports
SM Zeedyk, SR Cohen, A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 436-449, 2016
General education teachers’ perceptions of autism, inclusive practices, and relationship building strategies
Y Bolourian, A Losh, N Hamsho, A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-14, 2021
Parent and teacher reports of comorbid anxiety and ADHD symptoms in children with ASD
E Llanes, J Blacher, K Stavropoulos, A Eisenhower
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 50, 1520-1531, 2020
“Which box should I check?”: examining standard check box approaches to measuring race and ethnicity
A Eisenhower, K Suyemoto, F Lucchese, K Canenguez
Health services research 49 (3), 1034-1055, 2014
Longitudinal associations between externalizing problems and student–teacher relationship quality for young children with ASD
AS Eisenhower, J Blacher, HH Bush
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 9, 163-173, 2015
Structural and pragmatic language in children with ASD: Longitudinal impact on anxiety and externalizing behaviors
NV Rodas, A Eisenhower, J Blacher
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 3479-3488, 2017
Multi-stage screening in early intervention: A critical strategy for improving ASD identification and addressing disparities
A Eisenhower, F Martinez Pedraza, RC Sheldrick, E Frenette, N Hoch, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51, 868-883, 2021
What drives detection and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder? Looking under the hood of a multi-stage screening process in early intervention
RC Sheldrick, E Frenette, JD Vera, TI Mackie, F Martinez-Pedraza, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, 2304-2319, 2019
Parents' educational expectations for young children with autism spectrum disorder
HH Bush, SR Cohen, AS Eisenhower, J Blacher
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 52 (4), 357-368, 2017
Using e-coaching to support an early intervention provider's implementation of a functional assessment-based intervention
A Fettig, EE Barton, AS Carter, AS Eisenhower
Infants & Young Children 29 (2), 130-147, 2016
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